The Participation team, along with a number of stakeholders throughout Mozilla, have been working hard on a program to ignite Firefox OS as a from-the-ground-up project to continue momentum building a first-class mobile platform. In 2015 as we are building out the next phase of Firefox OS, it is a crucial time and we want you to be there to shape the future.
We are really excited to let you know that next week we will be launching a renewed program to support Firefox OS Participation, and we want to give you a sneak peek of what’s coming.
As a way to unify all participation opportunities we will be launching the Firefox OS Participation Hub as a central site where you can discover how to get involved with Firefox OS and install the latest version on your device. The central contribution areas that the hub will be showcasing are Foxfooding (our take on dogfooding), ports to Android and other devices, b2gDroid, Gaia development, and Firefox OS add-ons. The goal is not to displace other sources of information, but to make it more accessible from a central location.
If you have a compatible device (they will be listed on the Hub), we want you to be able to experience, test and hack the latest version of Firefox OS (2.5) along with all the new features that are coming. Just by becoming a Foxfooder, you are helping shape the future of Firefox OS, and deeper opportunities will surface –  from filing bugs, to joining discussions, to developing for the platform and on top of it. Community participation is key in this new phase.
In preparation for launch, get your Flame devices ready. If you don’t have one, there will be a limited number of new Foxfooding devices that you can apply for if you commit to being a regular user. We’ll also be showcasing exciting ports for some existing Android devices on the market. We have opened this discourse category that will be the central place for discussions about this program, if you are interested we recommend you to log in with your Mozillian account and select “Watching” from the top right blue bubble so you can get email notifications about everything that is happening there.
This truly has been a team effort. We pulled in members from engineering, developer relations, engagement, legal, research, metrics, and other teams who are fully invested in the open evolution of Firefox OS. Join us and you can play an important role in it’s success.