


Long time Mozilla supporter since Firefox 1.0, member of the Mozilla Venezuela spreading Firefox Awesomess, started as a Mozilla Student Rep at my university when studying Electronic Engineering, Front-End Web Developer, Marketing Maniac and Mozilla Rep & Mentor, promoting the Open Web, FOSS and Tech Culture around the world.

What Do I Do?

I’m currently participating and supporting the local communities of LATAM growing up and empowering the mozillians to get them involved more easily, also attending to several events were I give talks and presentations to let other people know about Mozilla, our mission and products. I’m member on the Mozilla Hispano community. Recently I have been more focused on Marketing and leading the Mobilizer efforts in. I love what I do, and I’m thankful to Mozilla for helping me to do it!

Mozilla Rep for Venezuela and a Reps Mentor
Mozilla Venezuela | Mozilla Hispano