What's something you'd like to see change within Mozilla in 2015?

@emma_irwin, @rosana, @r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q, @lasr21, @ankitgadgil, @gautha91, @bobreyes, @jsan4christ, @ThePhoenixBird

What is a change that you’d like to see happen in Mozilla this year?

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Interesting question, in my particular case I would love that the programs that have impact continue growing (Go Reps!!!).

@tanner what change you can to see?

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Tanner this is such a great question - I wish this question was for everyone. Personally, I believe in and am dedicated to better empowerment of community(volunteers & staff) through through education. I really love Mark Surman’s Blog post which describes a ‘virtuous circle’ between community and product: focusing on the value participation brings to community, as much as what community can bring to product is crucial .

I would also like to see some new radical, innovative ideas and technology come out of Mozilla this year to better explain why Mozilla matters - to those who question it. I would love to see some big wins in privacy.

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I think it’s fine for others to jump in, discussion is the idea!

This is such a great question! I agree 100% with Emma, I am very excited about the fact that there is a renewed emphasis on participation and that we are going to be able to offer many more opportunities for volunteers to grow and develop themselves. Specially I would love to see many more volunteers taking the lead in different projects and bringing back the open source spirit to every corner of Mozilla.

As Emma said I also want to see some radical technological innovation from Mozilla!