Telegram and IRC Channels for Foxfooding

Hi Foxfooders,

Just a quick note to say that if you are already not on these channels, please do check them out and join the conversation.

Join the “Foxfooders” group on Telegram (ask any existing member for invite)

For IRC, join the #foxfooding channel on

We’ll be adding all the ways to get connected on the Firefox OS Participation Hub. For now you can check out what we have at:


  • Brian

When I navigate to I get this error: Could not connect. A network error occured while trying to reach the site

I use Firefox OS 2.6, the nightly-latest channel.

Can you join this group from a Firefox OS device?

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Do you know if the builds for the Flame device will be ready soon? I
suppose this devoice will be added to the device’s list then?

Many thanks!
Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

I had the same issue. I joined via my PC

Mozilla Discourse wrote:


November 14

When I navigate to I get this error: Could not connect. A network error occured while trying to reach the site

I use Firefox OS 2.6, the nightly-latest channel.

Can you join this group from a Firefox OS device?

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Sent Using Firefox OS

I just used the link on desktop and it worked just fine.


Build and distribution issues are being worked on as a matter of priority, but we have no set date yet for landing. As soon as we do, it will be posted here.


Sure, no problem! Many thanks for your answer!

Best regards,

I think about time to make this link defunct.

This does not look like the open web I dream of…


The address wasn’t understood

Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (tg) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.

You might need to install other software to open this address.
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It requires to have Telegram - the app the link is for installed or to open in a tab the web version of it.

@anaran There is a bug already registered for this issue: Bug 1224120 - firefox the protocol (tg) isnt associated with any program - telegram


I don’t understand why is that a bug.
It is exactly consistent with the behavior of how external links (non-standard) are handled from the browser. “tg” is something telegram came up with, so obviously FF will not understand it and try to open it with any external program which has registered itself with “tg” handling capability.

The same thing happens with magnet url’s as well.

That’s the error I got when using Desktop Telegram.

Well…that’s because we had a “attack of the spammers” today. And that
link now is disabled. If only you can post your telegram handle here. We
can get you added

Please add me to the group
my username is : @PrasadSeth

The telegram link is not working. Showing me an error “The chat does not seem to exist”

I have invited you. And if you see the above discussion, it has been disabled = won’t work.

@rabimba Thanks for the invite :smile:


done :smile: