Telegram and IRC Channels for Foxfooding

username is @errietta please add me

This URL seems to be expired on other devices too. Can someone invite me too? I’m @kingstonTime. Thanks


@dikyarga ( :

Here’s my Telegram username @tinaverbo :smile:

Hi, This is Joanna. Please add me to Telegram
My username is @GDHFang Thank you!! :slight_smile:

Hi there :smile:
I’ll be glad to join in the conversation on Telegram.
My username is @LukChouka ! Cheers !

can someone here add @shine to the group as well?

Thanks in advance. :smile:

please add me too :slight_smile: @rsajdok


Please add me too @leblogdegenma

Why Telegram? Isn’t it possible to use something more open, like xmpp/jabber?

We do have the #foxfooding IRC channel as well. You can join there.



If one of you would invite me, that would be much appreciated!

Username: @justinpotts

Hello to All!
Please send me an invitation link to @a_poli, 'couse I can’t join the group also.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Can you add @mariot_tsitoara also?

Telegram tells me that only a mutual contact can add you to the group. (I have added others, including @mariot_tsitoara just now by username)

Good day, please add me @dougmore