Rep of the month - November 2014

Again, it’s that time of the month where we show gratitude to the best of the Reps program.

Flore Allemandou is one of the oldest mozillians around, being a Mozilla Rep for a long time too. In the last months she took lead of the WoMoz project coordinating our activities in this area. She also organized our presence at the Adacamp editions in Berlin and Bangalore.


At the MozFest she was one of the most active Reps around, helping out by leading sessions from community Building and diversity to even flash around 80 Flame devices. As part of the Mobilizers in France she organized several event in Lyon and Paris helping with our Firefox OS Launch there.

As this wasn’t enough, she organized Mozilla’s presence at Open World forum and Code of war. Locasprint was also another of the last months events together with some great photos for the Firefox 10 Celebration.

Thank you Flore for your amazing work!


Congrats @flore! So proud of you! Well deserved!

Grongrats @flore you earnt it years ago!

A well deserved award! Congrats @flore :smile:

Want to know a little more about Flore? You can read 10 days of Mozillians: meet Flore!

Congratulations, keep the good work going!

@flore So deserved! You are an inspiration, and I feel so fortunate to know you. Thanks for all you do (and for the nice wine, cheese and bread you bring us :wink:

So very richly deserved, Flore. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

Congrats @Flore !!! clap clap clap clap


congrats ! go woMoz! :smiley:

Congrats @flore! keep the good work going!

Amazing rep and womoz. Such an inspiration !! Congratulations Flore :slight_smile:

Congrats @flore you seem to do some really good work, keep it up!

Bravo encore une fois! nous sommes très fière de toi!

Congrats! Flore. we are very proud of your success! You deserve this nomination…Cheers!


Congratulations Flore :slight_smile: Proud to have you :smiley: Cheers!!

Thank you all for your kind words!
I feel like a bit overwhelmed these days. I saw my photo on the improved 1.0 photo in Portland, then rep of the month… Blush seems to be my new skin colour.

I hope it won’t go to my head. Otherwise, please get me back on earth!

I hope to see you all again soon! Perhaps in France if you ever go to Lyon… Otherwise, somewhere around the world.


Congratulations Flore!! Keep the good energy going!

Congrats Flore!!! You are doing an awesome job and go go Womoz! :blush:

Congrats, @flore! You deserved it!

Congratulations Flore, keep it up!!! :smile: