HDD binary model says "Available in: hardware report - view what hardware and operating systems Firefox users have." although not visible in hardware report

there is says “Available in: hardware report - view what hardware and operating systems Firefox users have.”
but when visiting https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/hardware , there are no HDD statistics visible.

Hi Daniel. I’m not very familiar with the Probe Dictionary, but I don’t believe the Hardware Report has ever had information about hard drives. It may have been planned for an earlier version of the site. (I notice that the Probe Dictionary links to the site’s old URL.)

I’ll show this to our team and see if anyone knows what’s going on here. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

I spoke to @r_04NdjqyPX321CaSkHnxAwA who reminded me that we considered adding this data but never got around to it. He opened bug 1553994 to make this raw data available for the Data Report to use, but said that he isn’t sure when he will have time to do it.

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Ok, because I have a theory that it could somehow be related to the tab spinner bug (just a theory.).