

I’m a web developer on the Data Tools team. I decided that I wanted to work for Mozilla when I was 15 years old. I first contributed to Mozilla as a Spread Firefox volunteer in 2006. I was an intern on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) team and joined as a full-time staff member one year later.

I have recently contributed to the following projects: the Firefox Public Data Report (a.k.a. ensemble), ensemble-transposer, Firefox Test Tube, Experiments Viewer, Distribution Viewer, and the Firefox Hardware Report. I make occasional contributions to STMO (a.k.a. Redash) and Iodide.

I’m vegan (I know, nobody asked, but it will help other vegans find me via search) and know enough American Sign Language (ASL) to get by. If you’re vegan, vegetarian, d/Deaf, or hard-of-hearing, I’d love to meet you!