Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

I want to start a new Club in my College, what do I need to do?
You can apply to start a club in your Campus by filling the registration form. As the Club Captain you have to fill the application form and It is highly advisable to have three executives who will help you to initialize/sustain the Club, identify the Club’s focus areas and help plan the future activities.

I heard that Clubs are shutting down. Are Mozilla Campus Clubs also shutting down and what is the difference between Mozilla Clubs and Mozilla Campus Clubs?
No, Mozilla Campus Clubs program is not shutting down, it will continue to be supported and staffed by the Mozilla Corporation. Local groups with a passion for technology who want to work together to build the open web on University and College campuses are invited to register and participate through the campus clubs program at

Campus Clubs exist on University campuses with a focus on technology and Open Source and engage only students from the campus. Whereas, the Mozilla Clubs existed outside campuses with a focus on reading, writing, and participating on the web.

Mozilla Foundation recently announced ending its support in Clubs (non Campus). You can find the announcement with more information in this link.

This announcement does not affect any Mozilla Campus Clubs.

I filled the registration form, what’s next?
Thank you for applying! We have received your application and we invite you to go through the two following necessary steps in order to get your Club active and officially recognized:

  1. Enroll and complete the Orientation for Campus Club Leaders
  2. Follow the prompt to complete and submit your Year Plan
    As soon as you submit a year plan you will receive a confirmation email for being officially registered with us as a Club Captain!

How can I connect with a Regional Coordinator?
Your Regional Coordinator will help you establish an awesome club by providing you guidance, support and help you set your Club’s goals for the rest of the year.
In the Resources page in the website you can find all the relevant information on how to setup and successfully run your club.
Going through the available Resources will help you have a faster, meaningful, productive and more fun on-boarding process with your future Regional Coordinator.
After you successfully complete the onboarding process you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect with an available Regional Coordinator.

When is my Club officially recognized as Mozilla Campus Club?
In order for a Club to be recognized as an official Mozilla Campus Club, in addition to the Club Captains meeting requirements for activity listed in the role description document and the requirements listed above, a Club must demonstrate three months of regular activity - by running activities and submitting reports on a regular basis.

What type of activities a Club should carry?
You can run any of the activities listed in the relevant page on the website. Each activity is designed and tailored to our program’s goal which is to help students get more skills in an effort of contributing to open source projects.

Where can I request swag or budget for an event?
The primary focus of the program is to help students get more skills in an effort of contributing to Open Source projects. It is not an Ambassador program where swag and budget are keys to the program’s success. Instead we offer training and activities which will help students get more skills and work on cutting edge technologies.
Budget and swag are not available through the Mozilla Campus Clubs program yet since we are still exploring how Clubs can use them as a tool for advancing our mission in an effort of contributing back to Open Source projects.

Can we have multiple clubs per campus?
You can have only one Mozilla Campus Club per Campus. Having more than on Mozilla Campus Clubs in the same campus will lead to competition for members and resources.

Some groups would rather exist only virtually, is this possible?
Part of the definition of a club is that they meet regularly in person, while some activities will definitely be virtual, in order to be recognized as a Mozilla Club they need to be primarily based in the real world.

What is the relation between the Campus Advisory Committee (CAC) and Regional Coordinators?
CAC members will support Regional Coordinators of their region on transitioning old Firefox Clubs to Campus Clubs, on-boarding new Clubs and support them.

If you have a question about the status of your application or your progress, please email campusclubs AT mozilla DOT com.


Hello there,
About a 2 weeks ago,I registered my club as a Mozilla club,because I thought that those were campus clubs. Now that I’ve found out that Mozilla campus clubs and Mozilla clubs are different, should I delete the club from the list of Mozilla clubs,and apply for a Campus club?

Hi there and apologies for the inconvenience.

You can apply to register your club at (start accepting applications on Monday 19).
As we move forward with the support of the Mozilla Clubs team we will make it easier to identify the differences between Mozilla Clubs and Campus Clubs.

Hi Hugo!
The year-plan is referred to the school year of your university of college which is normally around 9 months.
In any case you can apply to start a club with a second club captain who can help you and take the lead when you will not be available. Simply add your second club captain’s details in the form while applying to start a club.

Hey there,
I’d also like to run the campus club in my school cos i think there’s none currently in my school.
It’s just that i have a lot of questions to ask before registering

Please, feel free to address your questions here and I will answer them.

Sir ,I just want to ask that past 7-8 ago I have filled the registration form for Mozilla Club.
so My question is that when I will get to know that whether I am selected or not by Mozilla to open Campus Club.

Hi there, and apologies for the late reply.

Following up our private conversation I would like to thank you so much for your patience.

Since October 12th we have been working hard matching Mozilla Clubs with a local, active, Regional Coordinators. However many of our applied Regional Coordinator are still working on the training. We want to make sure that they have completed the training and submitted their year plans before we consider them active and match them with Clubs like yours.
However you don’t have to wait to get started!

While we try and find you the perfect mentor, you can complete the following steps to get your Club active:

  1. Enroll and complete the Orientation for Campus Club Leaders
  2. Follow the prompt to complete and submit your Year Plan
  3. Start running activities and sharing your progress with us through reports

You can find more information about the process in the Campus Clubs getting started guide.

If we can’t do activities and all for a month ; because of exams then what to do?
What if we complete all activities after exams but within a year and as per year plan; then it will affect or not?

Hi there
I recently registered for mozilla club as club captain . I wanted to know if the executive members of the club recieve any certificates from mozilla at the end of their tenure.

Hi @christos. We met at mozfest and discussed starting a campus club at my university. Looking at the application form it seems that it is student led but myself and a few lecturers wish to start this up and invite students along. Is this possible?

Hi there and thank you for reaching out.

Our are not required to run activities every month! A healthy club is club which runs impact-full and meaningful activities, even if twice a year.

However you need to report your club status in a monthly base (even if you don’t run any activities). No worries, you will receive a reminder every month.


Hello there!

I am afraid not, at least for now. However, this is a great idea which we will consider while building our certification/recognition system.

Nice to see you here!

Yes of course! Also, please feel free to leave a note while filling the application highlighting your status.

It’s so great to have you and the other lectures applying to start a club!

hi @Christos
We applied for Mozilla Campus Club and still waiting to be matched with RC. So Can you tell us that when we will get our RC ?

Hi there and thanks for your message.

it actually depends on the Regional Coordinators of your region, if there are any and how many.
In any case you can go ahead, enroll to the Orientation course and work on your Club’s year plan.

In case you haven’t received a relevant email with the next steps you will receive one during this week.

Hello Mozilla,

I’ve successfully completed orientation yesterday. In how many I’ll get certificate for that?

To whom I can submit year-plan if no RC are assigned to my club?

Hiii there,When will MP(India) campus club assigned RC’S?

Hi @mradulgarg2 and @hackyroot

Apologies for the delay. Most of the Regional Coordinators are currently in training and all the active ones have already been matched with Campus Clubs.

Do not worry though. You have already received an email on how to start doing activities as Campus Clubs without a RC for now. You have to enroll to the training program, complete it, submit a year plan and when the plan is reviewed you can start running the activities.

Please check your email for the next steps.

If we were officially recognised as mozilla campus club then how much funding will get to us.Also did regional coordination will officially recognised club?
I had not yet matched with RC but i had conducted two events.Here is the blog links:

Did this events will consider for our club?