Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Hi there!
This is a great start, congratulations!

This is no budget program so I am afraid that there is no funding available for campus clubs at this point. However this is an area we are still exploring.

In order to be officially recognized as a campus club and your club to be on our Campus Clubs map, you need to complete the training, submit a year plan and your year plan to be reviewed.

There is a detailed email with the next steps in your mailbox.

@Christos Where to submit our year plan ? there is no RC assigned to us! I guess we cannot start activities until we get RC assigned.

Hi there and apologies for the late reply!

You can upload your year plan in this folder. As soon as your year plan is reviewed, your Club can start running activities even if you havenā€™t been matched with an RC.


Hi @Christos,

Weā€™re an informatics group of the studentsā€™ association at my faculty and currently we are about 30 members. Our structure is very similar to the one you have (there are elections and activities). Can we also be a Mozilla Campus Club?


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hiiii,I had submitted year plan as well as completed orientation program but did not matched with regional coordinator yet.

Also i want to know did we have to organise event on suggested activities only or we can choose other topics also?

Hi Christos
My question to you is i have added an another club captain details but she dint receive any mail regarding it and also how do we receive resources and how can we volunteer for other mozilla activities held nearby.

can we get any funding

Hey @Christos,

Can you give some feedback?

Thanks in advance

@Christos Hello! This is Anubha Maheshwar, I have completed my training plus submitted a year plan about a month ago but I am still not matched with a Regional Coordinator plus didnā€™t receive any training certificate. I have also mailed you. I want to start my club activities at the earliest. Can you please have a look at it ?

hiii christos,
I had completed my campus training 1 month ago but did not yet match with regional coordinator.

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Hi all and apologies for the late reply.

@niaefeup this sounds like a great example for affiliate clubs! You donā€™t need to change your identity or your structure in order to be part of the network and start running the activities. Simply sign up here and feel free to start running our activities.

Hi @mradulgarg2, @poush and @anubhamane .Thanks for reaching out! You donā€™t need to wait to be matched with a regional coordinator for forming a club and start running activities. You just need to complete the training, submit a year plan start running activities. You can find more information about the onboarding process in the website here. The goal of this program is to help students improve their skills in an effort of contributing to open source projects. If you have an idea for an activity towards that direction other than the activities listed in our website, you can propose it here.

Hi @csiriteja i am afraid that we donā€™t offer any funding to clubs for running activities. Instead we offer resources and help for our students to get more skills and contribute to open source projects.


One of my proposed events is to have a developers session and an hackathon of which I need swag materials for those attending. How do I get the Mozilla swag materials for my school?

Hi there and thank you for your message.

We currently have no swag or budget for club events. This is something we will explore in 2017. Please drop me a line at campusclubs AT mozilla DOT com in order to find how we can better support you running your event.


Hi again Christos,

I have just finished the training and filled the year plan for the campus club. We are starting meetings next Tuesday but the attendees are invite only at this stage and restricted to the executive team and some other interested parties who will help me build the club. Our plan is the use the next couple of meetings to build the website, promotional materials and assign roles to get things started. Is there anything else we need to do. Any support would be great!


Hi Christos,

I have finished the campus club training and submitted the 1st year plan.
We are ready to launch the club. The planned date is Tuesday Jan 31st. We
are currently setting up the website, social media and marketing materials.
It would be good to speak to you at some point soon to check we have
everything in order.

Thanks for your support with this.



@christos Not sure if you are getting notifications for replies so Iā€™ll
just ping you here, just in case.

Sorry if itā€™s a bit off-topic: Iā€™m a Regional Coordinator (training finished and year plan submitted) but I havenā€™t been assigned a Club Captain yet. Anything else we can/should do in the meantime???

Hi there and apologies for the late reply.

You can reach out to us any time at campusclubs AT to discuss your status and any support you might need. In the mean time you can check the Resources page for posters, letters and best practises for running your club.

Looking forward for your email.

No worries at all! Thatā€™s a great question!

Other than supporting existing Campus Clubs, Regional Coordinatorā€™s role is to help students start a Campus Club. Do you have friends in College who might be interested in starting a club in their Campus?

I have submitted my Year plan a long ago, but have not received any review status yet. When will my year plan be reviewed of club captain and RC both.