CLT Module 3: As a Club Lead, what are the top 5 things that you would like your club to accomplish in your current term?

Hey Club Leads! Congratulations on getting to the last module! Hope you are still well after going through huge walls of text!

For our last discussion, we would like you to share your top 5 goals for your club as a Club Lead this term.
It is good to have our goals and vision set right? Share your goals, give other CLs an idea and inspire others! :smiley:

  1. Promote the Mozilla mission
  2. Become a forum for sharing knowledge of the web
  3. Collaborate with other organization and communities in campus and our region
  4. Engage as many as possible to all people in campus to contribute in our PNUP Firefox Club
  5. Empower members to be a Mozillians (do good, do better, and do more)
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I would have the following goals as a CL:

  1. I would engage as many people in college campus as I can to be a part of this club. This would definitely bring out their hidden talents.
  2. I would engage people from other colleges of my university to be a part of this where the Firefox club cannot be established in their college.
  3. I would collaborate with other Firefox clubs in the region and conduct collective activities and events.
  4. I would promote the Mozilla Mission of web independence and web literacy and channel the hidden talents of the members of my club to work for this.
  5. I would provide a platform where people can discuss about anything related to Mozilla and help students become responsible and skilled Mozillians. I would use this man power to actively promote and contribute to the development of Mozilla.

5 things?

  1. Promote HTML 5 and other powerful open-source web languages to the students.
  2. Organize programming workshop based on HTML.
  3. Try to get approval to teach coding in secondary school.
  4. Connect students and the regional Mozilla Community.
  5. Launch project based on our members and Mozilla mission.

1.Engage as many people in the campus as possible in club activities.
2.Conduct workshops/events that promote Mozilla and the Open Web as a whole in the campus.
3.Collaborate with other Firefox Clubs in the city to conduct workshops/events.
4. Promote Web Literacy in and around the campus.
5. Promote Mozilla products among the people in campus, and convince them the importance of building a web that is open, full of opportunities and innovative!

  1. Aware the Campus with the missions of Mozilla and the community. Motivate them to take part in the discussions and come up with new ideas and projects.
  2. Make a team and start working on a current project or start a new one and contribute to the Mozilla.
  3. Spread the knowledge and the meaning of the Open Internet.
  4. Conduct events and activities for school children’s and within the university campus that are computer geeks and are in search of the road to enter the tech world.
  5. To make the difference not by being different but bringing the different !
  1. promote mozilla mission - openness, innovation, and oppotunity
  2. help other clubs in korea to be built
  3. help firefox lovers to be mozilla contributors
  4. organize webmaker events in university
  5. collaborate with clubs in other countries

As an idividual I believe opportunities are endless and as such there isn’t a limit to what one can achieve. However, here are 5 things I would love to achieve to set the pace for acheiving a whole lot more.

  1. Set up and manage effectively a large local community of Mozillians on campus to have a wider pool of ideas.

  2. See to it that the club takes on different areas of contribution to the mozilla cause from teaching to activism to support e.t.c to ensure that we make our mark.

3.Host awesome innovative events to draw attention to the endless possibilities via mozilla

  1. Carry out massive enlightenment and awareness campaigns to let people have factual and up to date knowledge of mozilla products.

  2. The ability to operate in a world where the web and web technology is open and transparent lies with the ideals of everyone. If it is to become a lasting reality it lies in our hands! This is the message that will guide and be propagated by the club until it becomes not merely a remark but a pledge!

1- Notify all the Students of my University about the new technologies of Mozilla.
2- Make a perfect of talented student who will contribute towards Mozilla Products.
3- Organize different Workshops.Events in my University.
4- Providing a platform for students for exposing their talent.
5- Promote Mozilla Products to other Places by reaching out different location & teaches other about Mozilla technologies.

My Top 5 goals would be :

  1. To open the door for all, giving them proper tools to identity their hidden talents
  2. To create a platform to face the situations as well to overcome the fear ( stage fear or other)
  3. “To understand the group”, about what opportunities should be given to one and at what time, no matter if they wouldn’t demand but to take care of my group will be essential task
  4. When the anger breaks out due to uneven situations , cheer the team and make them believe that “WE CAN DO OUR BEST”
  5. To create open discussion sessions with all the team to take up next project and evolve new ideas to be implemented ,this would lead us to overcome the drawbacks and creates an friendly environment between team,by considering their valuable feedback .

I would love to set following goals as a CL -

  1. Organize seminars and workshops on the Mozilla missions.

  2. Spread the knowledge about web technologies and teach about Web in the schools of villages.

  3. Organize events and gather students to involve in Mozilla missions.

  4. Connect with the students and by meeting up with them, i would love to bring out their talent and innovation.

  5. Gathering Firefox lovers and spread the word around city.

  1. To get as many interested souls to be the part of club
  2. Promote web literacy around the campus
  3. Conducts mozilla events and workshops including maker party
  4. Provides a space for students in which every one can come with an idea, and may be a solution for the same
  5. To help nearby colleges or acquaintances to saddle up with FSA and Firefox club

Step 1. Promote Mozila’s Mission.
Step 2. Ask student to signup as student ambassdor by organizing meetup.
Step 3. Promote Mozila’s Product like Webmaker,Persona,Firefox os.
Step 4. Throw Somee awosome event at the campus.
Step 5. Collabrate with Repz and RAL to host more event about Mozila.

Lets keep it simple and crisp:

  1. Spreading about Mozilla’s mission and Open Source Community.
  2. Organizing fun workshops to learns along with having fun.
  3. Promoting and Managing projects under the club.
  4. Organizing competitions for students to test their skills.
  5. Collaborating with professionals for their valuable contributions

1.As a primary objective , I will promote Mozilla’s Mission and its importance .
2.Inspire most of the students to participate in Mozilla FSA program.
3.Share knowledge to my friends and helps them to create there ideas.
4.Host Mozilla’s event in my campus,
5.Conduct some competitions to show there talents.

1.Promote Mozilla’s mission
2.To get students who are interested to join the club
3.Conduct events to promote web literacy among college as well as school students
4.Connect with my fellow club members and encourage them to improve their skills.
5.Make the firefox club a platform for developing new ideas and projects.

What would I do If I Was Club Lead

  1. I would like to conduct as many Hands on Sessions as possible because those are the Events where you learn a lot and can take back those skills to further work on them and organize fun and Interactive events !

  2. Create Awareness among the students about the power of Open Source and Community Driven Efforts and OpenWeb.

  3. Collaborate with As Many Clubs and professionals as possible to get the best out of this Programs and also encourage our students to Participate in events and competitions conducted by different clubs around us.

  4. Most of all teaching them the essence of the Tools Provided by Mozilla, like Webmaker Tools with help of my Fellow FSA’s !

  5. I would Strive Hard to improve Our Club and also the FSA Program as a whole with help and support of my club. And Once I find a correct Person I would like to pass on my post as Club Lead to him and Transfer the knowledge as much as possible

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My Goals after becoming a CL would be:

  1. Make students of my University aware about incredible technology that mozilla offers.
  2. Work according to mozilla principles, inspire students to be innovative and to be a part of Mozilla Club
    3.Conduct events and activities for school children’s in RDZ, an organization of which i am a part(, and within the university campus.
    4 Collaborating with other Firefox Clubs and with RAL and come up with new ideas for making a difference in youth around us for their Web Literacy.
    5 I would improve my skills and be a better Club Lead and set up an example for students around me. so that they can themself browse and search for opportunities.

Top 5 things I like to accomplish are:

  1. Promote Mozilla mission
  2. Promote Mozilla products to other
  3. Collaborating with other CL in my country
  4. Build developers community with WebMaker
  5. Help Firefox lovers to contribute in Mozilla

As a Club Lead i would like to achieve the following :-

  1. To conduct maximum possible hands-on sessions in web development tools to promote and motivate students
  2. Provide opportunity for fellow students from colleges in the region to be a part of the Mozilla Mission as no clubs are
    available here.
  3. Organize discussions to promote innovation and creativity among the students
  4. Create awareness among the people about internet privacy and net neutrality
  5. Motivate others to know and contribute to open-source projects and increase their knowledge about the internet
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