CLT Module 3: As a Club Lead, what are the top 5 things that you would like your club to accomplish in your current term?

As a club lead I will make my FC to acieve the following,

  1. As a primary step actions will be taken to install Firefox as a default browser in all computers in our college .

  2. To Involve as many students as possible in club activity and to promote Mozilla’s Mission

  3. To create general awareness to student and public (if possible) on open-source software and hardware. collaborate with other Firefox club’s in our city and with Puduvai gnu-Linux User Group (a local linux user group) by supporting their endeavors

  4. More Impotance will be given on the Mozilla Tools & products and Inspire fellow FSA to make contributions

  5. Events & workshops will be regularly organised to improve the skills

These are my future goal as a Club Lead:
1- Create a community of users & fan that can cooperate and it’s able to do team-work
2- Grow a group of mentors that will be able to help other students in contributing to the community
3- Host a BIG event in my University, in which anyone will be able to learn something new
4- Promote Web Literacy in secondary schools near the University
5- Teach the importance of privacy, security, open web and how Mozilla deal with them

  1.   To conduct maximum

possible hands-on sessions in web development tools to promote and motivate

  1.   Provide opportunity

for fellow students from colleges in the region to be a part of the Mozilla Mission
as no clubs are available here.

  1.   Organize discussions

to promote innovation and creativity among the students

  1.   Create awareness among

the people about internet privacy and net neutrality

  1.   Motivate others to

know and contribute to open-source projects and increase their knowledge about
the internet

  1. promote Mozilla’s mission and fsa program,also enlarge my club’s width by adding more people,mainly freshers.
  2. conduct a session on structure of new fsa program,Mozilla and it’s products,it will be a introductory session for new comers and a review session for others.
  3. help people for identifying their area of contribution,and promoting them to attend various programs like maker parties,organised by other Mozilla communities
  4. organize maker parties and app days for every people near us.
  5. running projects in collaboration with startups and other clubs in my college

Hi there!
Here’s my future plan as a Club Lead:

  1. Set up an awareness program in every two months to recruit freshers to get involve in Mozilla’s mission.
  2. Take session class every week to adequately figure out their fitting pathway and motivate them to kick-off their contribution.
  3. Organize a two day long event(Maker Party, QA Mentoring Day) so that students as well as faculty members can also be a participant on teaching the web and boost their innovation and creativity.
  4. Conduct a frequent online awareness sessions with existing FSAs and freshers to promote openness, innovation and opportunity and provoke them to support net neutrality.
  5. Create teams according to their involvement in their particular pathway and give a specific task to complete it within a targeted time.
  1. I will promote Mozilla and its products on my campus.
  2. I will promote web literacy through Mozilla’s project Webmaker.
  3. I will encourage other students to get involve in Mozilla and start contributing as well as join our club.
  4. I will regularly hold events and workshops to create awareness for FOSS.
  5. I will work with other team members on different Mozilla’s Projects and build a large and strong community of Mozilla on my campus.

As a Mozilla Trainee, that I am, I’d like to do so many things, 5 of which are-

  1. Spreading awareness about Mozilla Community in my college.
  2. Encourage students in my college to use Mozilla Products instead of others.
  3. Organize various competitions and workshops to spread knowledge about Mozilla.
  4. Lead my fellow FSA to promote the vision of Mozilla.
  5. Encourage the FSAs to develop the open web using Mozilla Tools.

To empower people on the idea of an open source world
To create awareness about the Mozilla community
To create awareness of the Firefox ios
To show just how rewarding it is to be partnered with Mozilla

  1. Make the students aware about Open Source, its advantages
  2. Conduct a lot of events and campaigns to cheer up people to contribute
  3. Help the club members to improve their skills
  4. Reach out to other educational institutions and spread the word
  5. Make it as ‘Club of the month’

My Top 5 goals as Club Lead:

  1. My Numbero Uno Objective is to share as much knowledge as possible about the Open Web.
  2. To Spread Mozilla’s mission and how it has such high moral value.
  3. To Host Meetups and motivate people from other communities also to learn and contribute as much as they can.
  4. Helping fellow members to shine in the their respective fields by providing as much support as I can.
  5. Little drops make a huge Ocean-I hope my achieving these goals will cause a great impact for the future generation and cause it to impact the society in a good way.
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  1. Create as many real time contributors for Mozilla (from my campus) as possible.
  2. Conduct events specific to all types of majors so that everyone finds a way to get involved.
  3. Conduct privacy campaign as one of the specific tasks as part of the Campus Campaign track.
  4. Regular calls and meetups with the RAL similar to the Reps call structure.
  5. Make sure all the contributors are well mentored for the activities.

Well, as a Club Lead , I would like to do the following:

  1. As community involvement has a lot of impact on the web development, I would like to share my knowledge and promote the objectives of Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Make “Firefox vision everyone’s vision” to contribute to the world of open web
  3. Discover future FSA’s who can continue to elevate the Firefox community
    4.Conduct sessions to increase web literacy and pass on what I have learnt from the CLT
    5.Encourage students to use Firefox browser
  1. Make connection between other Firefox clubs and FSAs.
  2. Conduct workshops and sessions related to technologies with the help of RSA.
  3. Promote the Mozilla mission and make the community bigger.
  4. Do awareness sessions about Mozilla products.
  5. Work for enhance the knowledge of technologies and web literacy.
  1. First and foremost promote Mozilla’s mission and openness.
  2. Encourage developers and Enthusiast to contribute to the Mozilla Project.
  3. Promote Web Literacy in the campus
  4. Organizing workshops and events in my campus to empower people.
  5. Encourage as many people as possible to join Mozilla in promoting Open Web.

promoting the interest of students towards web development through mozilla firefox
promoting the contribution of girls called womoz in mozilla.
engaging students in campus to be the part of the club.
providing platforms for student to discuss about mozilla and its products and help them in promoting the mozilla and club.
i will conduct many workshops /events that promote mozilla and open market web not in the campus but also cover the area around university…such as schools…