Workweek at Whistler 2015, Info and details

Hello Mozillians,

On June 22nd to 26th a new Mozilla Workweek will take place, this time in Whistler, Canada. A workweek is a meeting where all Mozilla employees get together to meet in person with their team mates, to work on their projects, to plan, and to discover more about the objectives and the goals of the organization for the next quarters. It’s also an opportunity to work across teams, to identify shared priorities and to build a broader understanding of Mozilla. The Workweek isn’t a Summit or a Mozcamp.

This is also an opportunity for those teams to invite volunteers who are embedded in the work they do. However, even if you work hard, or work on several projects, that doesn’t mean that you will be automatically invited to attend this Workweek. Each team in Mozilla has a limited budget, and they have to select just a few volunteers. The criteria depends on each team, and also depends on the objectives or goals that they have for the next quarters. More about selection criteria can be found on the wiki [1]. So keep in mind that this event is an invite-only, there is no sign-up page, nor a web form where you can register to attend. If you haven’t been invited, that doesn’t mean that we don’t recognize or appreciate all your efforts and hard work, so don’t feel discouraged or disappointed. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible across all events that happen at Mozilla.

If you need more info, or you still have doubts about this, we put together an FAQ [2], where you can add your questions (if doesn’t appear already replied). Don’t hesitate to contact Francisco (franc at mozilla dot com), or Brian (bking at mozilla dot com) to ask more questions.

And keep on rocking the free web!
The Participation Team.



Thank you Franc!

Will the creative team have presence there? Or is the work week focused on other work teams?

All Mozilla’s teams will take part on this work week. In the past, every team run this work weeks at their own pace, since Portland last year, this change to this different approach where all Mozilla’s team share the same week working together. Like Fran says, this is not a MozCamp or Summit event, neither a «new kind» of event.

All the teams inside Mozilla will be participating. So it’s an all-hands.

Each team (as it is explained on this topic, and the FAQ), has a limited budget… some teams has zero budget to invite people.

Again, if you didn’t receive an invitation, that doesn’t mean that you are not doing a good work, or you need to work harder. I will suggest to contact that team to ask more about this.


Nice! I would like to know if Webmaker team or Dev Engagement will be part of this :slight_smile:

@jeferduran: yep, all the teams will be part of this. MoFo and Dev Engagement will be there.