Working group: Resources track

#Resources track

Owners: @faisalaziz4ever @nukeador

##Problem statement

Reps are not getting personalized support in order for them to be able to have the biggest impact possible while developing themselves personally and professionally. Reps have very different interests and skills and the program has been optimized over the past years for events and budgets. Most changes to the portal, SOPs and time from Reps, mentors and Council have been devoted to this. While events and budget have been crucial for the program, we need to better support Reps interested in other areas.


Create a specialization on resources for Reps who wish to empower their communities (be it local/regional or functional) by enabling them take advantage of the resources the Reps program has.

Reps that specialize in Resources are trained to help communities and Reps plan strategically how they use resources. Ensuring that resources (budget and others) of the program are used in the most impactful way and according to the guidance provided by Mozilla’s strategy and the Council.

##How to get involved

If you are interested in helping in this group, please subscribe to this topic to get news about next meetings and follow the github issue for tracking.


Could you give some examples on resources that are in the scope of this track?

Budget, swag, servers, hardware, and any other physical stuff we can think it’s needed for mozillians…

It seems next Tuesday at 13:00UTC is winning right now. Let’s give 24h more to decide and I’ll send an invite to meet over vidyo.



We will be meeting tomorrow Tuesday 16 @ 13:00 UTC on Mozilla Reps Vidyo room.


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Reminder: We are meeting in 20 minutes :wink:

Sorry, I’m tavelling. Though I can hear you but can not talk with you.

My thoughts on that, Mozillians are very exited about project and event. They want do many things, expacting lot from Mozilla. What we need to do, train them about balancing their expactions with the impact and amount of recources.

I’ll update with extended notes here soon + a github issue for tracking

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As I was busy with my exams preparation . I missed the meeting . :frowning:
I am interested in this working group

@nukeador some inputs from mine ,
We need to provide proper resources for reps from every functional area they are working . We also should encourage contributors to use digital resources for smaller event . thanks .

1st Meeting notes

Personal views

  • Faisal:
    • We need to list the resources the Reps community needs
    • Analyze current situation
  • Fran:
    • Speed up the process
    • A team dedicated to help with resources
  • Konstantina:
    • Can we provide all kind of resources?
  • Sunnat:
    • List of resources
    • A model which really helps to achieve a good output
  • Rubén
    • Planning in advance, mid-term planning
    • Delegate day to day process from Council
    • Council provide overall strategy, resources team to apply
    • Have one person from each community as bridge
  • Belayet
    • Balancing Rep expectations with resource available and the impact

Next steps

  • Identify a couple of people per community interested in coordinating resources.
    • What about communities with no one in this track?
    • How can we ensure people in this track support any mozillian with a need?
    • Konstantina to detail this.
  • Define a training plan for these people: Planning for impact, accountability
    • Fran and Sunnat to detail this.
  • How to get in the track?
    • Accountability:
      • Approval team
      • Reps
    • Process.
    • Ruben and Faisal to detail the process.
  • Establish an approval team with part of these people + staff support
    • Ruben to detail this process.
  • Experiment: Pre-approved stuff, mid-term planning, experiments
    • Faisal to detail this.

Transition plan

  • People to apply
  • People get trained
  • Approval team is formed
  • Test the track officially
  • Once we are ready announce a date for change


  • Tue. 23rd - Draft with all the details ready, team feedback.
  • Fri. 26th - Draft ready, presented to Council and Reps.
  • Fri. March 4th-ish - Plan approved
  • March - Start the transition plan, and test.

##Github issue to track next steps


Hey all,

We will be meeting tomorrow Tuesday Feb. 23rd same time (13:00UTC), Mozilla Reps Vidyo to check on the progress of the planned activities.


As far as i can see i will be able to attend tomorrow.

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So basically in today’s meeting we reviewed the pending actions from last Tuesday and discuss a lot about details and open questions.

We are documenting all track description details in this document and we want to have a draft to share by Friday.

Hey @nukeador

I saw there is a need to know the list of sub-communities in India. We have updated it in WIKI. Please check

Thank you

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The initial draft with the implementation details is ready for review.

Now we’ll ask everyone to add your comments/feedback to it. This doc will be also sent to Council for review.

Hi everyone,

We would like to move this to Council final review and approval this week.

This is a reminder to chime in the doc before Thursday (EOD) and provide feedback as soon as possible.


I’m moving this now to Council for final review + approval.

Thanks everyone involved!