Hi! I’m a new MoCo hire and I don’t start for a few weeks. I’ve started getting notification emails from Workday asking me to complete various pre-hire tasks. The links in most of the notification emails redirect me to a https://auth.mozilla.auth0.com/login?...
URL which prompts me for an email address. I don’t have a Mozilla email address yet (that I know of) and the auth0 page appears to reject my non-Mozilla email address without an error message.
The https://www.myworkday.com/vhr_mozilla/login.flex?redirect=n
URL I received in my “Workday Account Created” email continues to point to a Workday login screen where I can successfully log in.
It would be a little smoother if the Workday notification emails contained links that allowed new hires to use the Workday login, since we don’t have SSO-enabled credentials yet.