Myself and Logan (especially Logan, huge kudos to him for working so hard on this) have spent countless hours trying to figure out WPMS.
After much investigation, writing custom code, making unreasonable amounts of changes to things that should work out of the box, we’re close to concluding that Wordpress Multisite is not the right implementation of Wordpress.
It just doesn’t work, here’s why:
- Preview doesn’t work on multisite with domain mapping
- Random redirect loops
- Custom code to make SSL work (we’re an operations team, we shouldn’t be maintaining a code base)
- No good way to implement SES at network level.
- Tedious setup of new sites
We’ve had an idea of setting up a managed wordpress style infra, and are developing a POC
I’m liking this solution so far because it works really really well with no issues, using as a dashboard
We still get high control, community members won’t get access to plugin/theme installation etc through user permissions.