Why would anyone trust this?

Unknown, unverifiable encryption. Unknown, unverifiable storage location. Who knows who downloaded it? How do you know if it was actually deleted? Etc. etc. etc.?

Of course, trusting any web browser requires a leap of faith, but this requires a pretty broad jump…

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like most else that mozilla does, send is open source (and quite the opposite of unknown/unverifiable): https://github.com/mozilla/send
and if you don’t trust mozilla to run it you could also host it on your own server…

This is a good question, I think the project should have a concise description and illustration to show what it saves and how to secure it.

I know I don’t trust it. What do you think is going to occur on ‘Send’ at 10:10 this Sunday night? Thousands of folks will be using it to send that evenings GoT episode to their friends, thats what. Mozilla MUST know this. What is their plan when the MPAA comes a knocking at their door on Monday morning? Will it still be free, anonymouse, encrypted file transfer then?

Mozilla should disclose that it’s (at least currently) using Amazon Web Services and Google Analytics for this service. Otherwise, one might get a different impression about their data’s treatment.

This article was making the rounds in the German-speaking internet giving this issue more detail: https://www.kuketz-blog.de/firefox-send-setzt-mozilla-erneut-auf-google-analytics/

maybe it would be a good idea to generally lay out in some detail why and how mozilla is using google analytics in a blog post, since this topic is continuing to flare up.