Where is my profile?

I had a profile https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/kolobokplasma5/
now it seems it is not there! Where is it? I had a lot of themes, and
in I spend whole year creating themes, where is my work? Did it just got
deleted? That is not fair!

@jorgev might know.

Yes, it was deleted. I believe you were going by “fox” and created secondary accounts to give 5 stars to your own themes. This is unacceptable behavior (obviously), so your account had to be deleted.

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This probably didn’t happen but he’s complaining of losing some work. Did we accidentally delete the wrong account? The one that had all his work and not the one giving the votes?

Both the poster’s account and all the sock puppets were clearly the same person, so they were all deleted.

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On this account I did not give myself retings? Why did it got deleted?

On this profile i did not give my self 5 star! Why did it got deleted?

You accidentally delete the wrong account! The one that had all his work and not the one giving the votes!

This time I was not giving myself 5 star!

Mozilla is not fair system! You just deleted my work!

Please stop posting more than one post in a row. Existing posts can be edited.

We deleted your account and the associated spam account(s) on two occasions. We wouldn’t even know about it if it weren’t so transparent and widespread. If you want your work to be featured on the site, just submit your themes and don’t create accounts to boost their rating.