While discussing within the team about l20n, we were trying to figure out in which direction Test Pilot and its experiments will move. An answer to that question would definitely help us to determine where to focus our energies.
There are currently two parts in Test Pilot: the website front-end is using l20n, experiments and the add-on still rely on .properties file.
There’s currently an ongoing full rewrite of the add-on, and it’s using SDK (.properties), which is a technology already declared deprecated.
So, we’re left wondering in which direction Test Pilot is going to move: are experiments going to use WebExtension in the near future? Will they rely on libraries like React, or similar approaches? What about front-end?
My understanding is that the long term plan for the add-on is to be part of Firefox, so it would use whatever localization infrastructure is available there.
Based on IRC discussion I know this has been discussed in the past, but I don’t know the outcomes, if there were any.