Weekly Update 2015-09-09

Hi everyone. Sorry this is late. After we got out of the last meeting we had action items we had to get to right away, and since then we’ve been pretty busy with MozFest planning!

Current projects:


Discourse Update

All of our Discourse instances will be updated tomorrow (Sept 10, 2015). This should fix the recent issue with extra spam getting through. If you notice anything strange after the update, please let us know.

Discourse UX improvements (@leo, @Yousef)

There are some changes to Discourse that should be made to make it more suitable to Mozillian’s needs

  • Status [In Progress]: See SSO update below. We can still use help researching and building the plugins that we need. Will discuss more improvements to work on at Discourse meeting tomorrow.

SSO (@leo)

To improve the login experience for people using Discourse within Mozilla, bridge the gap in various ways between our different instances (e.g. single username across instances), and integrate better with Mozilla wore widely (with Mozillians integration, etc.)

  • Staus [In Progress]: Still working on initial version of SSO server, currently working on finishing touches

Discourse Documentation (@Kensie)

To make Discourse more user friendly for Mozillians, we need some good documentation on how to use it

  • Status [In Progress]: Need to dig in now that session proposals are done. Kensie to post in a few places asking for questions to answer.


Putting all Discourse instances on one infrastructure, automated with Ansible and CloudFormation. This will help us keep the many Discourse instances we have secure, up to date and running common plugins easily. At scale. AT SCALE. also saves us $$$ while allowing all of our instances to be HA (high availability).

  • Status [In Progress]: Turns out this isn’t quite production ready so we’re going to use our staging servers as a test-bed to iron out issues

MoFo Discourse migrations (@Yousef)

Migrating the Webmaker, Science and Hive Discourse instances to MECHADISCOURSE. This provides the teams with more stable Infra for their Discourse instances.

  • Status [In Progress]: Webmaker discourse is up and configured with Webmaker ID login, just need to add a theme and change the DNS over

Monitoring (@Tanner)

Setting up Nagios to monitor our sites

  • Status [In Progress]: Will be using Nagios. Need to write checks and config for Nagios, and then deploy the NPRE agent to servers.

Community Hosting (@Tanner, @Yousef)


We need to understand which sites are being actively used and which no longer need hosting, or need different hosting than they currently have

  • Status [In Progress]: Michael Buluma has started work on defining a MVP (minimum viable product) for a community website. Submitted related MozFest proposal, waiting to hear if it is accepted.


We will be moving away from OVH to simplify community hosting and save money

  • Status [In Progress]: Getting access from Part Infra. Need to check out their mesosphere documentation so we can start deployment.

Documentation (@Kensie)

Discourse documentation (see above)

Wiki update (@buluma_michael)

Our wiki pages our out of date, and shouldn’t be under IT anymore

Confluence (@Kensie)

Links to JIRA, will use it to help with project management, decision tracking.

  • Status [In Progress]: Melek and Kensie met to get started. Not sure what we think of using Confluence to build notes (not real-time collaborative), but will start posting notes there.

Matrix (@Leo)

Communication protocol which attempts to bind various different ones together - could possibly be used by us as a Telegram-esque IRC bouncer. Discussion and link to planning pad here: https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/matrix-and-irc-mozillians-custom-client/2911/7

  • Status [In Progress]: Need to set up our own version to test.

MozFest Participation (@Kensie)

We are looking at ways our team can support MozFest, and planning session proposals that would be interesting to MozFest.

Online Forum for Participants (@Tanner, @Kensie )

We are offering our services to host a Discourse instance for MozFest

  • Status [In Progress]: Configuring Discourse for testing, playing with settings, populating demo content.

Session Proposals (@Kensie)

  • Status [In Progress]: Sessions have been proposed, now to see if any/which get accepted!

Meet-up (@Kensie)

Since most of us are in the UK, we’ll stay a couple extra days after MozFest to meet as a team.

  • Status [In Progress]: Need to sort out travel, visas etc.

Contribution Opportunities

Recap of contribution opportunities from status updates and ongoing contribution opportunities:


  • Research/coding customizations
  • Ruby on Rails (server side/back end)
  • EmberJS (client side/front end)
  • Documenting how to use Discourse/need questions to answer


  • Nagios experts/mentors welcome

Community Hosting

  • Research MVP for community sites


  • Discourse (see above)
  • Atlassian experts welcome to help with Confluence/JIRA organization