Weekly Call 'Add-on" - Discussions

Hi Reps!

In the last Reps Call it was suggested by me to add interactive discussions to the weekly call, so Reps can catch up with the latest happenings and address matters important to them. As the Reps call has a duration of 30min, holding a discussion within that time is impossible, so I thought to add another 30min time at 15:30 UTC, right after the Reps call to go on and discuss about matters Reps want to address. I’d see these discussions as optional, so there would be no need to have an 1h call in total, but people who wish to stay are encouraged to do so.

The streaming could be part of the usual Reps call or as a seperate one (I guess the prior works better(.
I’d be happy to lead this until it kicks off properly.

I suggested following points to discuss in the next discussion:


Is there an established bridge between staff and volunteers for different contribution areas? Various contribution areas like Creative Design or Advocacy lack volunteer involvement, whereas other contribution areas like Reps are led by a great amount of volunteers. What can we do to allow volunteers be part of discussions in the contribution area they wish to help, not only where they’re welcome to.


  • Identify blockers for volunteer involvement.
  • Involve participation team to work on these blockers


Should a non-mentor Rep be able to run for council?


  • Identify if this is something Reps support (apparently yes)
  • Identify a nomination process for Reps who are eligible to run for council (we should be careful to not limit this, while still not ending up with 50 reps candidating).
  • Reinitiate discussion on Discourse
  • Create a proposal SOP



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I think is good Idea :slight_smile: +1 for @helios