Weekly Call 2015-11-12


  • Thursday November 12th, 16:00 UTC


  • Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.

AirMozilla video

Weekly call details:


  1. Help me with my project
  2. How was MozFest?
  3. Firefox OS Hub
  4. Council updates
  5. Your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad

-> and special guest - Chelsea Novak - will share more with you in the call!

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!


Raw notes here.


  1. Hi my name is @couci and I’m from summer-is-again-here Greece
  2. Hi my name is @alex_lakatos and I’m from there-is-no-summer-here London
  3. Hi my name is Mariot and I’m from Madagascar
  4. Hi my name is @Mte90- Daniele and I’m from Italy
  5. Hi My name is @bebe/@bebef_1987 and I’m from Romania
  6. Hi my name is Stefan and im a citizen of the web
  7. Hi my name is Ioana - back in Cluj - and happy that I slept 9h in a row last night!
  8. Hi my name is Christos and i am from Thessaloniki, Greece
  9. Hi my name is @yofiesetiawan , and i am from London!
  10. Hi my name is @pinkdevil and I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  11. Hi, my name is @franc, and I live in Madrid, Spain.
  12. Hi, my name is Michael, and I live in Bern, Switzerland uu blue…
  13. Hi, I’m @rosana from Berlin!
  14. Hi, my name is @williamq from Paris
  15. Hi I’m Trishul from India :)Hi, my name is Christophe from Les Ulis, France
  16. Hi!, I’m @Chelsea and I’m from Toronto
  17. Hola, Rubén from Spain, fake summer week is ending.
  18. Hey, This is Ram from India :slight_smile:
  19. Hi this is @umesh from Pune, India
  20. Hello, Rara from Jakarta, Indonesia :*
  21. Hi there, it’s Kiki from Jakarta, Indonesia
  22. Hi Everyone ! This is Prathamesh from Pune, India.
  23. Jb from Uganda
  24. Hi, my name is @sanux from Uruguay
  25. Hi, my name is Ina from Jakarta
  26. Hi, my name is Salman Rahman Desh and I’m from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  27. Hi, I am Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh.
  28. Hi, I’m Anis, from Dhaka, Bangladesh

Shout outs!

  • Franc for being awesome in the Mozfest and perfectly orgnized everything
  • All the Reps participatiing at the Mozfest
  • Emma for setting the participation space
  • All contributors on the recent lauched Firefox OS HUB - the infra team, the topic creators, the commenters etc! That discourse place is on fire! \o/

TOPIC 1 - Firefox OS Participation Hub - William Quiviger

  • Hub is live taking participation to the next level, accessable source of truth
  • You can learn porting, add-ons, forefox tv and foxfooding
  • Save Mika! <3 gamification for fox fooding - it will be launched in 1 week
  • you will be able to test firefox OS in your device
  • soon you will be able to requets a phone if you agree to foxfood you agree to test it everyday and not flash
  • any other OSmore changes coming on the hub soon
  • follow the Discourse and report issues with the page on github.


  • Q: how many phones will be given?
  • A: about 1000
  • Q: will the shared data be open? like reports, statistics etc?there will be regular foxfooding reports with statistics on overall usage, # bugs filed, top feature requests etc…
  • Q: Can this testing be done on Flame devices also? (I think FOTA is not available for Flames, so may be that is a reason why the Sony devices are more recommended for this program)
  • A: Yes, soon you’ll be able to foxfood from compatible devices (ie. Flame, Nexus 4 and 5, and several models of Sony Xperia)
  • Q: I know there where issues with the Updates are those fixed ?
  • A: Not yet, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1217490
  • Q: What inmediate actions can we do right now to get involved?
  • A: please create your profile on the Hub and then click on the checkbox in your profile page to accept to receive updates on the Foxfooding program and other participation news
  • Q: can we flash other ffos systems - nightly builds/ try builds …?
  • A: if you’re a Foxfooder and you are using a Mozilla foxfooding device, we ask that you keep the foxfooding build and NOT flash other versions of Fx OS

TOPIC 2 - Mozilla Festival 2015 (Yofie) 5 mins

  • 6-8 November 2015, Ravesbourne College, London, UK.
  • We are just wrapped up the annual 6th Mozilla Festival.people from around the worked are coming together for an awesome event
  • What was new was the pathway system, people can learn based their interests
  • (Tanha) has an awesome experienced, I learned a lot and took sessions based my pathaways. Want to impliment my commitments before the Mozfest and what I’ve learned from the other leaders
  • It was more focused and innovative this time! Each year MozFest is growing! - Umesh


TOPIC 3 - Firefox for iOS - Chelsea Novak


  • Q: Do the pics need to be made with an iphone? No
  • Q: Is it possible to make firefox to be default browser on iOS? Not at the moment
  • Q: Will de design be available to localize them? (What do you mean by them? Just want to know which asset to get you. I think you mean the screenshots?) we should be able to get them from PR team


  • Look for an email later today with links and directions to participate in #HotoniPhone
  • Please test the locales for Jessilyn for iOS - If you have an iPhone or iPad in: Chinese (simplified & traditional), Danish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (Mexico,) Spanish (Spain) and Turkish and your App store is in that language, and you’ve never downloaded Firefox for iOS before, can you do this:
  1. Go to: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id989804926What language is it in?
  2. Click to download the link in the App store. (if it takes you in there)What language is the App store info in?SpanishEnglish
  3. Download and open Firefox.What language is the app in?Spanish ? Indonesian? Once you’ve tested, please contact jdavis@mozilla.com or ping JessilynDavis on irc

TOPIC 4 - Featured Future Events (Franc) 5 mins (or less)

TOPIC 5 - Help me with my project!

TOPIC 6 - What we’re working on in Council -Christos

  • Have you seen a discussion about the Reps program, how to evolve the program?

Add our links, opinion here.

  • What’s the project / idea / functional area that you would like to contribute more in Mozilla?

see the pad entries - line 250

TOPIC 7 - Open Space Discussions


Added some comments in the comment field on the etherpad :slight_smile: