Weekly Call 2015-08-20


Thursday August 20th, 15:00 UTC


Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.

AirMozilla video
Link: https://air.mozilla.org/reps-weekly-20150820/

Weekly call details:


  1. Developing Participation Leaders
  2. Webmaker tools update
  3. Help me with my projects (list still open)
  4. Updates from council work
  5. Foundations of Mozilla
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Details notes from new pad ( after migration):


  1. My name is @george and I am a global citizen (in Toronto today)
  2. My name is sjmur and I am from Balie Atha Cliath, Eire
  3. My name is @couci (couci) and Iā€™m from the internet
  4. My name is @helios from Tirana, Albania
  5. Bună! Sunt Ioana și sunt din Cluj napoca - Transilvania - RomĆ¢nia!
  6. Hello This is @HarshaBandaru from Mozilla Hyderabad - India
  7. Hi my name is @lucyeoh and I am a Torontonian (I donā€™t know who I am anymore!)
  8. Hi my name is Sandraghassen [aka Ganesh] and I am from Long Mountain, Mauritius
  9. Namaste ! I am prathamesh Chavan from Pune, India
  10. Bloop! My name is @secretrobotron , and Iā€™m totally from Canada. į••( į›)į•—
  11. Iā€™m @mkohler from Switzerland and I like the rainbowy-like start of this list :slight_smile:
  12. My name is @Petras and I am from Lithuania.
  13. My name is @alamanda and, Iā€™m in Jakarta, Indonesia
  14. My Name is Costenslayer And Iā€™m from The Internet(uk)
  15. My name is Tom and Iā€™m from the UK
  16. My name is @emma_irwin and I am from Sooke BC
  17. My Name is IKRAM and I am from Bangladesh
  18. My name is Christos and I am from Greece
  19. My Name is @Kensie and I am from Toronto
  20. My name is @mastizada and I am from Azerbaijan
  21. @yofiesetiawan from Jakarta, Indonesia
  22. Sunnat from Dhaka+
  23. biraj from India
  24. Dyvik from India

Shout outs!

  • Jonathan for always helping us with airmozilla woop woop! +100000
  • @Ikram for all his amazing QA contribution
  • [From Bobby] Super thanks shout out to the Indonesia community for putting together so many events and creating so much good content with their extended community +1
  • @Dorothydaf of Cameroon for organizing a ton of amazing events (current and planned for future) for Firefox OS and Mozilla

TOPIC 1 - Developing Participation Leaders (George) - 15min

  • Investing in a cohort of participation leaders
  • prep call with selected leaders , setting goals , building content
  • select participation leader ho commit to one strategic area
  • Mozfest Nov 6-8 London
  • Leadership Summit - Nov 20-22 TBD
  • Work Week - Dec. 7-11 Orlado
  • 150 participation leaders by the end of the year: have increased their knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to grow the impact of participation across Mozilla in 2016, are aligned with and have contributed to Mozillaā€™s vision and strategy, and who will champion this with Mozillians and others, have created and committed to specific plans for growing the impact of participation and contributing to Mozilla in 2016, aligned with the organizationā€™s goals and priorities
  • Selection process that is consistent. Application will require:
    ** Mozillians.org username (vouches will be used as ā€œreferencesā€ for evaluating application)
    ** Answers to a series of open-ended questions
    Question for you to consider:
  1. Whatā€™s unclear? What questions do you have?
  • How will the application be promoted? (outreach strategy)
    ** blogs, mailing list, community mailing lists, Monday call (ask staff who have very involved contributors to share application process), Co-ordinate with Webmaker
  1. What ideas do you have to make this stronger?
  2. What concerns do you have with this initiative? *
  3. What concerns would you have with the application/selection process?
    Q: Not a question, but I love this. Really relevant to the three categories Iā€™ve volunteers Iā€™ve been pushing in everything Iā€™ve been working on.
    Q: Will this be related to the Tech Speakers Pilot program in any way or are these completely separate?
    A: here will be a talk with Havi
    Q: One form, but is the timeline the same for all 3? If Iā€™m not accepted for one, but feel I could also have applied for another, can I still do that ?
    A: this will be discussed more as at the moment was not considered. * maybe use a preference list: 1), 2), 3)
    Q: Using vouches seems very problematic. There are no dates on vouches. Also this is going to make some profiles very big. There is a different site out there called ā€œgeeklistā€ which seems like it provides the same functionality that weā€™re asking to use the Mozillians page for +1
    A: Good to stay on Mozillians, just Mozillians doesnā€™t seem to be built for this yet!

TOPIC 2 - Webmaker (Bobby) - Short :slight_smile:

  • Introducing Webmaker app for Android officially now in Beta - Try it,play with it!
  • Check out the trailer on youtube
  • Leave a review if youā€™re so inclined :slight_smile:
  • Lots of events happening with the hard work of our community members
  • Super thanks shout out to the Indonesia community for putting together so many events and creating so much good content with their extended community
  • If youā€™re interested in running your own event or are fielding questions from other Mozillians about it, give me a shout and check out the webmaker-curriculum link below. Iā€™m always available for chatting & brainstorming.
    Q: Will there be PC version of the new webmaker? or is there a simulator for PC
    Q: Old Webmaker Tools Update
    A: Thereā€™s an official going-away date now for Popcorn Maker and Appmaker. Makes will live on ā€” even after Sept 30. On http://webmaker.org/me (until further notice)


TOPIC 3 - Help me with my project!

  • Petras Slekys - Open Data Fest - https://reps.mozilla.org/e/open-data-fest-2015/
    ** A hackathon of Open Data that has been organised by the Vilnius City Municipality together with Mozilla; Any advice regarding Open Data/Prizes is greatly appreciated.
    ** Community Ops (Kensie) - Contribution opportunities listed at bottom of weekly update
    ** Community Hardware (tad)
    ** Community Design Team (Elio) - If you are more into visuals and design and want to work in the open, hit me up to contribute in various areas of Mozilla where design is needed

TOPIC 4 - What weā€™re working on in Council (Christos)

NON-Verbal Updates:

  • Emma Irwin of Sooke - Foundations of Mozilla
    Description: The research phase for Foundations of Mozilla is almost complete. Emma will demo the progression of information gathered in interviews, and the emergence of what feel to be our foundations of mozilla for community leadership.
    Summary of Feedback (Buckets):
  • Mozilla 101
  • ā€˜Lens of Empowermentā€™ - Building Bridges for People
  • Impact Planning for Community Leadership
    Proposed Foundations (based on the above)
    The attributes are incomplete but this is the draft
  • Activating : Activating people, inspiring, unblocking, ideas to action
  • Connecting: People to projects, people to each other, bridges between communities, people to Mozilla, energy to ideas.
  • Empowering: Diversity & Inclusiveness, mentoring, teaching, conflict resolution, agency(me/myself/i)
  • Building: Community, planning, structuring, iterating, tools, ambassadorship, scaling
  • Sharing: Open practices, publishing, writing, social media, story telling
  • Reminder - Participation call happening after Reps call in 1h
  • Community members who reside in the EU are eligible to apply for spots in the meetup.
  • Firefox 41 Beta 3 Testday - Friday 21st of August all day

Raw notes here.