Weekly Call 13-04-2017

Aloha Reps,

For today’s call please check the agenda and please add your own topics. Do not be shy, we know that you do amazing things!

AirMO video:

Weekly call details:


  • TOPIC 1 - Reps Elections - @ioana
  • TOPIC 2 - New activity is coming up! - Konstatina
  • TOPIC 3 - Swag Survey - Kiki
  • TOPIC 4 - Events - Francisco
  • TOPIC 5 - Council update - Alex Lakatos
  • TOPIC 6 - ROM moment - Vishal & Rao

And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!


Raw notes here.

ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)

ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd your favorite #Repsmoment (if you have a picture link even better) - wow :smiley:

  1. Konstantina @ Konstantina_P favorite #Repsmoment webmaker train the trainer event in Athens 2013 https://scontent.fath3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/885183_10200752268597188_339299706_o.jpg?oh=7cac10f0223e067b94e9545bb8a12814&oe=59850D5B
  2. Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95
  3. Srushtika Neelakantam, @ Srushtika, https://www.facebook.com/MozillaReps/photos/a.479103315475493.118801.189667034419124/1450403835012098/?type=3
  4. Umesh Agarwal @ umesh_agarwal1| All hands Orlando https://fosswithumesh.wordpress.com/2015/12/17/mozlando/
  5. Chandan Baba @ cbaba20 |
  6. Elio Qoshi - @ elioqoshi
  7. Ioana Chiorean - @ ioana_cis - my fa #RepsMoment was also webmaker train the trainer event in Athens 2013 but as K mentioned it already will think of another one -
  8. Sierra Reed, @ SimplxeSierra, meeting many of you in Hawaii!
  9. KaiRo, notwitter, Mozfest 2012
  10. Irvin, @ irvinfly, Summit 2013 SFO, https://www.facebook.com/irvinfly/photos?lst=1820041029%3A1820041029%3A1492099589
  11. Siddhartha Rao - @ siddhartharao17 - Singapore LS
  12. Cynthia Pereira - @ cynthiapereira_
  13. Atique Ahmed Ziad - @atiqueahmedziad
  14. Rishu Goenka - @GoenkaRishu
  15. Edoardo Viola - @edovio, Now! :slight_smile:

Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)

  • Do not forget to congratulate Trishul and Faye on their big wedding day :raised_hands:t4::tada::clap:t4::two_hearts: - http://twitter.com/mozillareps/status/852459740009566208
  • #mozlove to Prathamesh and Umesh for all their hard work on local swag in India +1+1+1 Thank You Guys-Umesh
  • #mozlove to Abhiram and Vaibhav for running the first TS-Reps collaboration event
  • K for being an amazing host each week

TOPIC 1 - Ioana - Reps Elections are coming

  • Track Issue - https://github.com/mozilla/Reps/issues/114
  • Keep an eye on it - these days (literally will be populated with more info)
  • Still under work
  • draft to better communicate the roles and commitment needed by a council member
  • nomination and vote process will last for a week each but pls do announce it so all reps be prepared for it.
  • Questions:
  • Pls write to Ioana ( chiorea.ioana at gmail.com) or peers (reps-peers at mozilla.com)

TOPIC 2 - New activity is coming up! - Konstantina

TOPIC 3 - Swag Survey - Kiki

  • Check the results - https://datastudio.google.com/open/0B21pjPswQ_2BOTJSUjFsWEpRNWs
  • people are not satisfied with the global shipping process
  • people are really happy with the local swag process
  • Questions:
  • Is the link sharable?
  • yes it is
  • Is the list of the swag somewhere?
  • not now but this is part of the improvements we are doing now

TOPIC 4 - Facebook experiment - Srushtika (on behalf of the team)

  • Goal:
  • To make reps and their activities more visible to non reps so they get motivated to apply for reps !
  • To revoke excitement in existing reps and make them active again !
  • Team: Yofie, Mayur, Vishal, Srushtika
  • Introduced #RepsMoments
  • Introduced design template for announcing ROM
  • Going to introduce occasional generic posts concerning information about the Reps Programme.
  • Stats till now:
  • 4 #RepsMoments posted
  • 1 ROM post
  • Let’s talk numbers ! In the last 28 days, these are the insights of the Mozilla Reps Facebook page :
  • Page views: 240 (64% increase)
  • Page likes: 52 (73% increase)
  • Reach: 3887 (216% increase)
  • Post engagements: 1756 (614% increase)
    * Github Repo

TOPIC 5 - ROM moment - Vishal - Rao

Topic 6 - Chandan

  • Share some candid moments about our awesome reps trishul and Faye so Mozilla India Social channel can produce a blog and give them a beautiful present :slight_smile:
  • Suggestions are open.
  • Please Share images/Links here :
  • social@mozillaindia.org
  • on telegram pm me @cbaba20

NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)

(don’t be shy and add random feedback, questions about the program here)
Please let us know your opinion about this call here!

  • Featured Events by Francisco should be brought back!