Weekly Call 04-05-2017

Hello awesome Reps!
Today it’s the first call of month May! Today’s topics include:

And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad

AirMO video:

Weekly call details:

Etherpad agenda:

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!

Raw notes are here.

ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/remo-call-04-05-17/ (both reps or mozillians)

ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle and your favorite flower

  • Sandeep Kapalawai, @ sandeep81910240 , my favorite flower is lotus,sunflower
  • Thiago Policena, @ thiagopolicena, my favorite flower is orquidea.
  • Md Shahbaz Alam , @ mdsbzalam , my favorite flower is Red Rose
  • Geraldo Barros, @ geraldobarros and my favorite flower is rose.
  • Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222 | My favorite flower is Jasmine.
  • Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95 | Rose
  • Prathamesh | @ pathfinderpc | My favourite flower is Sunflower
  • Kiki @ kelimuttu, Tulip flower
  • Konstantina @ Konstantina_P I like roses
  • Cynthia Pereira, @ cynthiapereira_, my favorite flower is Calla Lily.
  • Edoardo Viola, @ edovio, my favourite flower is Red roses
  • Ruben @ nukeador, my favorite flower is @flore :wink:
  • Harsha Bandaru @harsshhaa, my favorite flower is rose
  • Rishu Goenka, @ RishuGoenka, Rose and tullip
  • Francisco, @ francjp. I’m under an allergy situation, no flowers please
  • Kumaresan.C.S, @ cskumaresan , Jasmin
  • Alex @ alexfuser My favorite flower is tullip
  • Muhammed Hasan Ahmed, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Viswaprasath. Tamilnadu (India)
  • Jayesh KR, Mumbai, India
  • Nidhiya, @ NIdhiya_V_Raj - Fav flower = Roses
  • Liza Duron @ tedeframbuesa - Peonies

Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)

TOPIC 1 Strategy project Survey - Ruben


  • Please, participate.
  • Share with your communities using your usual channels
  • Let’s make sure people who contributed in the past also get this survey.

TOPIC 2 Sony devices program - Francisco

  • Process and details here.
  • Around 70 devices already in process of shipping, or already shipped (after 2 weeks of requests)
  • It’s not on Firefox OS (like it used to in the past) but Android.
  • Those who as been approved, please give out your detail for the shipping.
  • Please note that this is not a giveaway program but we want to support contributor for a specific project you’re working on.


  • How many is the maximum we can request per person?
    • No more than 3/5 devices per person.

TOPIC 3 Council updates - Konstantina

  • Our meeting notes are out
  • Communications
    • The council has finished the April newsletter, coming out soon
  • Mobilizers
    • All communications and infrastructure are ready, we are going to launch next week.
  • Council in SF all Hands
    • we’ve discussed our time allocation in All Hands and the teams we need to define the teams we need to meet internally in OI team and externally in the rest of Mozilla in order to improve the Reps program


  • Are new Reps applications being considered right now?
    • yes. we’re rolling out the second webinar.

TOPIC 4 All Hands SF - Francisco

  • Registration to confirm participation has closed
  • Rooming ready, and booking confirmations sent to everyone (if you haven’t received one yet, please check your spam, and then email Francisco)
  • Visas: Those who need an appointment, last date to have that appointment will be May 19th. Anyone who has an appointment after that date, please contact URGENTLY Francisco
  • Flights: There’s no possibility to change now. If you have any issue, please contact Francisco.
  • Discourse topic ready with Legal Information

TOPIC 5 ROM - Konstantina

Events Between 5th May 2017 and 11th May 2017
Total 17 events, some of them as follows