WebSling for Dishonline

a Firefox warning says the add-on at Dish for their new WebSling player is corrupt and won’t allow me to download it… I had been using their prior player with no problems on Firefox 40+ with Windows 10… Dish support had me clear my cookies and cache, which didn’t work so I’m waiting another day or two for another tech to get back with me… in the meantime I thought I’d check here to see if anyone has had this issue… not sure if Firefox 43 is the problem, both that and the new player came along about the same time…

Having EXACTLY the same problem since Firefox updated…the only reason I figured out that it was the update is because I was able to view on another laptop, until it automatically updated Firefox on that laptop as well…Brilliant…not even given the option to downgrade to the last version or continue using the extension, it has been completely disabled…Along with Avast and a few others…still trying to figure that one out!!!

I’m giving Chrome a shot and will let you know how that works out… thanks for the input…

btw, had to go thru a reset password drill with Dish since they didn’t recognize my login credentials with Chrome… jeez!!!..

success, just in time for kickoff…