WebMaker / WebVR Event at Mozilla Campus Club at NSBM Sri Lanka

Hello Mozillians ,

One of Our awesome campus club ( Mozilla Campus Club at National School of Business Management - Green University ) who always doing great events at their campus club kicked off another “WebMaker Event” with WebVR technologies and etc along with Free & Open Source Community at NSBM.

Watch their promo video below :

Event had Intro to Mozilla and Campus Club program, Guest speech about working with community & what it takes to have a good network, Development session, , Drama about reaching your target in the life , Songs with a music band, Certificates and other fun events including little refreshments to participants,

Other fellow Campus Clubs and universities who also wish to initiate campus clubs at their universities also joined with the event including ( University of Colombo , Kothalawala Defence academy , Open University of Sri Lanka ) .

Below are the few pics of the events and you can find 2 Photos album in urls in the end.

Chaminda Wijesinghe , Head of School of Computing and Senior Lecture, Talking to Students

Lahiru Himesh from Mozilla Sri Lanka Community talking about Mozilla Community and Campus Clubs

Ruwan Ranganath , That’s me ( ReMo , RC ) Talking about Community Engagement and Working up to your best

Narthana Jananjaya on Privacy & Regulations

Amila Ereeshika , Club Captain of NSBM and awesome contributor to Mozilla LK Community ,

Lasitha Tharanga , On WebVR along with Amila , ,

Particiapants and other screens

And all the organizers including amaznig designing team who did a awesome job with decorating whole School of Computing.

You can find more photos here :


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