[Webextensions management API] method uninstall() unavailable on Firefox, how to uninstall addons now?

Hi mozillians,

In my addon,
I try to uninstall an old addon given its ID.

// gotInfoAndRemove
function /*callback*/ gotInfoAndRemove(/*ExtensionInfo*/ info) {

console.log("We can remove this addon ...");
var my_id = "" + info.id;

When I test it on FF 57 development Edition there is an error in the console that indicates this function is missing
The exact message is :
browser.management.uninstall is not a function

After verification, the MDN documentation indicates this method does not exists for Firefox.

So how should I proceed to uninstall an addon given its ID ?

Thanks in advance.

Not supported in Firefox 57 by https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/management/uninstall - Browser compatibility.


You can only guide users to complete this steps manually.

OK. Thanks for pointing this.
