WebExtension: API management (setEnable / uninstall)

Hi all,
I have a 2 questions related to management API in WebExtension.

Did you know why management.setEnabled can, according to the MDN, “only be used by themes and not by other types of add-ons”. Is there any changes planned to this policy ?

If the answer of first question is no, did you know if uninstall API will be implemented in Firefox for all addons type, and if yes, when ?


I’m pretty sure is is actually “can only be used for/on themes”. There is an example extension in the GitHub repo which enables/disables themes.

Yes, you are absolutely right. It works for/on themes only. Not on other WebExtension.
I wondering why we face this limitation and if it will be keep in next release of Firefox

Hello Vincent-Lilo,

Please add the reason you need management.setEnabled() and management.uninstall() to this bug.

Eric Jung

Hi Eric,
Thanks for your reply. I had just submitted an use case example into the bug you link. Hope it will help.