Webapp manifest

Discourse seems nice on mobile. Can we add a webapp manifest for our instance, along with an install button? :wink:

The only thing I see is that it has a different URL for mobile and desktop version, why are not using a responsive design to solve that?

The URL is the same for me on both Android and desktop.

This should be pretty easy, Iā€™ll look into it as soon as the dev server is fixed.

Added initial support to the dev server at

Browsing there on a mobile device will have an ā€œInstall appā€ button at the top. Iā€™ll work on it a bit more (icon, theme button etc) and add a app cache before pushing it to the main site.

I am getting a ā€œbad gatewayā€ for this IP for nowā€¦

You must have clicked it just as I was restarting, should be up now.

Interestingly I think that the responsiveness is not based on @media queries, rather on user-agents?

Also I believe that the install app button should be there on all versions (as people might want to install this on desktop too). Would be nice to implement the detection of already installed so it vanishes.

Not based on media queries, afaik.

Iā€™ve hidden the install button on desktop for the moment until I can make it into a closeable banner. Detection is first on the list though.

Has this made its way to production? Iā€™m on mobile right now, but I canā€™t find the ā€˜installā€™ option.

@yousef may know. I know I saw it on dev, but I donā€™t think itā€™s been pushed to prod yet.

Did this get pushed to prod ever? And if it did, has someone submitted it to Firefox Marketplace?

I see that most of the work has already been done about this. Can we deploy this to production? We could add an ā€œInstallā€ menu option or even better submit it to the Marketplace.

Itā€™s in the marketplace, just not public as itā€™s being blocked on serving the manifest correctly. @tanner, did you make this change or does it still need to be done?


I tried adding it to a Flame and it still missing an iconā€¦

Weā€™ve fixed the manifest, you should be able to grab it from the marketplace once itā€™s been re-reviewed.

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Itā€™s live now. Can we add Desktop to the supported platforms? It would be nice to have Mozilla Discourse as a stand alone desktop app :slight_smile:

Since we use the chrome option in our manifest for a back button, it keeps us on Firefox OS only. Iā€™m not sure how difficult it would be to implement a back button for the mobile version of the site (probably not too difficult but weā€™d need someone to make it :stuck_out_tongue:).