Visual viewing HAR files in Network Monitor tab

Hi fellas,
Network Monitor, under Web Developer Tools, let’s you monitor network activity and export monitor data to a HAR file. Which is awesome.
I couldn’t find the option to view exported HAR files in Network Monitor and that was really frustrating. I had to view the file visually in Chrome :slight_smile:
Anyone knows if there’s a way to open HAR file in the Network Monitor view?


previewing HAR files in the Network monitor panel is not supported at the moment but, it’s one of the features we are planning. For now you can use HAR Viewer, online app available here:

Jan Honza Odvarko

Thanks @Honza!
I’ll checkout the online app you suggested.
Anyway to vote in favour of this feature? (and perhaps boost its priority ;-))

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This is now possible, I just checked with Firefox 71.