Video tutorial for Connected devices

Hi Mozillians,
Here is my very first tutorial video of Mozilla’s web of things covering basics about raspberry pi and arduino Link to video

Stay tuned for more updates.


Thanks for reaching out about your development board idea. Looks really
cool! Can you give me a little backstory about the device you are
making? How did you come up with the idea? Who is it for? What do you
think it will be used for? And, most important how can Mozilla help?

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Hello Brian,

Thanks for showing interest in the development board. Pooja and I are working together for the development board, The link for the board details are here.
I was looking for a development board where I can connect devices to the internet, but in case of most commonly used Arduino board u need to buy an extra hardware(shield) and configure it in case you need it to connect to the internet and in case of raspberry pi the hardware configuration and price is comparatively high.

Since everyone is keen to get started for connected device but doesn’t know how to we thought of making a cheap development board that can be accessible to anyone, will not require any operating system and can be programmed directly from any web browser from its IP address.

The board can be used by any beginner who wants to get started about connected devices from the basics.

There can be a number of applications of the board, just switch on the board,connect your lamp with that and its done. as simple as that. Now you can control that lamp with any web browser.

We want to propose this board as Mozilla’s connected device development board. Thus, Mozilla can help us with the coders, backup us in our research.


Dipesh Monga

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@dimonga you should take a look into this