UX Team Office Hours - Notes + Minutes

May 11, 2016

  • Brief discussion of @Cwiiis pitch for VR product/gear. We want to know more !
  • Natalia gave us more info about how the Participation and Collaboration teams are working with the CD teams.
  • Discussion of co-creation - how will Mozilla do this as part of our push toward Open Innovation? Liz is keen on this and will keep in touch these efforts.

@tif, @KatieC, @jsavory, @natalia, @ezoehunt

May 18, 2016

  • Owlet baby monitor
  • connected.mozilla.org - Porfirio’s created a central communication/marketing URL for all CD projects
  • Katie will talk to Braden about a central place for the consent and compensation forms - to make it easier for people to find them.
  • Brief conversation about @benfrancis Tablet user study

@tif, @ezoehunt, @KatieC,

May 25, 2016

Discussion and updates on the Research team. How they are ‘ranking’ the ideas and what are the process and goals.

This week was short because of the Innovation Townhall.

June 1, 2016

  • Discussion about the results of the recent Magnet interviews conducted by the team.
  • @ David Bialer talked about Little bits - super cool thing to do quick prototyping. If you’re in SF check it out.
  • Discussed Do Monkey

@ David Bialer talked about Sparrow (formerly House of the Future) - a kit to help kids learn how to code by building kits.

Discussion points:

  • Two different motivations for parents: parent giving something to kid to learn and build. Parent/kid work together to build something
  • IoT is pretty niche and may be difficult to convince parents to “teach” kids to build
  • Comparison to Little Bits


  • Differentiate between buyer (parent) and user (kids)
  • Expand income brackets to include everyone
  • Do a competitive landscape of existing coding kids toys (e.g. scratch.mit.edu)
  • Do JTBD research on parents/kids who have bought the Little Bits kits to see how we can do something that is better/different/augmented.
  • Do research on kids to understand their motivations and what they want to build
  • Read MOFO research reports on internet literacy to see what barriers people face

@djabber and @mihaela LMK if I missed something. Thanks!