Users report: Download Corrupt / Download doesn't finish? Web Extension, works for most

The latest version of my Social Fixer extension just got approved:

I announced it to users, and right away I started getting problem reports from some users (not most). I even got two 1-star reviews saying:

Downloading, downloading, downloading… when will it be installed? 285kb out of 285kb.

I tried many times to install the file, but I always get the error “file corrupt”.

Has anyone else seen this? Any idea what the problem is?

A few users were apparently using Waterfox. I downloaded that, and I also get the same problem of it downloading 285kb out of 285kb, then hanging. I haven’t reproduced the “corrupt” error yet.

Are there any known causes of these problems? Thanks!

I tried right now and there wasn’t any problem. It could be that there were some serve issues at the time.

I have the same issue on my new WebExtension :

Not the only one, multiple users have the same problem … and I can’t help them …

I’m getting even more reports of a corrupt download.

Is there any info about this being a known issue? I can’t isolate the source. My package seems to be fine, otherwise it wouldn’t work for most people and wouldn’t have passed review.

I don’t know if the problem is the add-ons server, the browser versions being used, or some other issue?

From the latest reports, it sounds like FF48/49 might be giving the corrupt file warning, while FF50 works fine. I thought web extensions were supported from FF48? Might there be some issue that was fixed in 50?

Update: It looks like maybe a missing “applications” key might be causing problems in FF48/49. It works fine in FF50 without it. The docs say it’s not required, but it looks like earlier implementations of Web Extensions do require it?

Yeah, it used to be required, but then it was dropped once we made IDs optional.

The page at says “Mandatory before Firefox 48” which I’m not sure is correct. I’m still doing tests to see if it consistently fails in FF<50. Most of the failures come from FF48 and 49, so maybe this statement is not correct, if this key is indeed the problem.

Or, it might be a different problem altogether. It’s very difficult to diagnose with a vague error message and inconsistent results.

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