Useful Thunderbird Links

Putting this here for folks just getting started with Thunderbird. Here are my most useful Thunderbird links that help me contribute every day.

Useful Thunderbird Links:

MDN Thunderbird Documentation - Tutorials on how to build Thunderbird from source, and how to create an extension. Also includes API and protocol documentation.

Thunderbird Blog - Thunderbird project blog, you can even add it as an RSS feed in Thunderbird itself (so meta)!

Thunderbird Wiki - Has a lot of useful community information here. If you want to know who takes care of what, this is a good place to look it up.

Thundernest GitHub Page - Where the Thunderbird website repository lives, more projects will likely live here in the future. For now this is where you go to contribute to the TB website project.

Thunderbird Website - Weā€™re in the process of moving to our new website, - the old website was at Since we are focusing on taking Thunderbird in its own, unique direction - it has its own domain name now. You can download the stable and beta builds on the website.

Thunderbird Nightly Build on Mozilla FTP - This is where you can go to grab the Nightly, if you head up a directory you can get other Thunderbird builds.

Create a Thunderbird Bug - This link drops you straight into the Thunderbird product on Mozillaā€™s Bugzilla. Here you can choose what part of the application you are having an issue with and report a bug.

Thunderbird on Mozilla Support Website - You can ask support questions here, find information on how to use Thunderbird and troubleshoot problems. Itā€™s a great resource if you are getting started or having issues with the application and need help.

This Forum! - Including this in the event that someone has copied and pasted these somewhere. The forum this is posted on is a great place to share information, ideas, and talk about Thunderbird!

Note: Let me know if there is anything Iā€™ve forgotten and Iā€™ll try to include it!


What a fantastic resource! The new website is already looking snazzy too.

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Can you pin this? I didnā€™t see it until just now. :slight_smile:

And now Iā€™m confused, thereā€™s the ā€œPINNED MAR 19ā€ note, but the topic doesnā€™t show a pin next to it in the topic listā€¦

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@jerrac Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s not showing up as pinned any longer, I re-pinned.

An upside down pin shows for me. But the topic is listed underneath a new post I just madeā€¦

It shows at the top of mine, but Iā€™ve seen the behavior you are talking about before @jerrac

I see this behaviour also in the UK category. I think it might have to do with our access rights and/or with a signed in account. If you read it, the pin ā€˜unpinsā€™. If youā€™re not signed in, it stays pinned.

Specifically that last option in: preferences >> interface


With that default though, any pinned posts will have been marked as ā€˜readā€™, and therefor unpinned. To pin them back youā€™d need to do so MANUALLY via the bottom of thread:


You can also untick the automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom preference to prevent this behaviour happening for you in future.

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