Uploading new extension version broken

After the automatic analysis, clicking the “Add Version” button, greys out the button and never completes. Looking at the console, I see a Server 500 error

I’ve got the same problem. When I try to add a new version of an extension that has passed preliminary review (I only get preliminary and not full reviews), clicking the “Add Version” button only causes the button to grey out, and the new version is not added. My browser also fails to complete the operation.

When I check the Web Console I get the following error that is different from the server 500 error that labs got. I get this JSON parse error instead:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data: preload-min.js:3:20117

Same experience as @mozdev here, for the past 12 hours.

jpm sign also fails with a timeout. There were error messages earlier today, now it seems to fail with timeout and “null” as the error response.

The problem should be fixed now. Let us know if it continues to happen.

Sorry for not replying earlier. All is well.

Ya, Now no issue with any extension. I was checking back links for my site UP Board Result through adons NoDoFollow by Zachary Fox. Sometime ago it was not working & getting error.

Thanks for your response.