Use case: I am authoring a Ring adapter for the mozilla gateway and I am attempting to set the link property on the Thing to a video/mp4 href of the last motion or ring detected after every motion or ding detection. This means I need to update the links property of the device object after the ring event is detected and reflect the new link on the UI so that the user can click on it from the gateway app.
However, after the thing is constructed/added, it is not possible to update the name or links property, we can only update the UI with when a property in device properties array is changed using this.notifyPropertyChanged(property).
As an example device function setName(name) on the gateway-addon-node changes the actual name of the device but it is never reflected on the UI. Similarly, when I programmatically alter the device links array, the changes are never updated to the UI. Was this intentional?
I have done some investigation and looks like there is no THING_UPDATED defined in constants.js, and there are no methods defined on the addon-manager or device classes that can handle such updates to the device/thing.
I can author the changes but have limited time and would like some of the devs to comment if this will cause any issues.