Updates, signing, and signing tools

I maintain a set of add-ons for bibliography management, for use by students in my university. They are hosted outside of AMO, and the update manifest is signed to enable automatic updates.

Until recently, I was using McCoy as the signing tool. This worked well, but the retyping of passwords became a serious burden. To script the updates, I changed to uhura. This worked well at first, but began failing with an upgrade of the dev machine OS (to Ubuntu 14.04). I now get signing failures erratically, and automatic updates no longer work.

What tool should I use for update manifest signing, and how should I go about setting it up?
I could use a simple, cookbook guidance document on scripted signing of add-ons, appropriate to current Firefox releases. The deeper I’ve waded into the documents on this, the more confused I’ve become.

(Once I get the immediate update-manifest breakage fixed, I will need to study up on the upcoming signing requirement for add-ons. But that will be a separate struggle - at the moment, I just needs to gets things working again.)

Ha. Posting does focus the mind.

Digging back into the pages on update manifest signing, I see my fundamental mistake. I have been assuming that update manifests always require signing – but that is (or maybe now was) only required for delivery over HTTP. The sites I use for hosting now run entirely over HTTPS, and … I don’t have to do this, do I. :relieved:

Sorry for the unnecessary traffic. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming …

Posting makes us go over the issue and touch up details so its clear to other users, as we do that, previously thought to be insignficant details show themselves and you resolve the issue, it happens to me all the time: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30173185/ported-objc-cg-screenshot-code-to-js-ctypes, I had two letters swapped O_O

I had an issue where I had the wrong case in a Java program. I had a c not a C. Spent an hour debugging before I asked for help, then immediately noticed it.

Hahaha nice