Updates from Magnet team

Hi all!
Here’s a quick update about our team. Last Friday, we finished our first
Here you have some demos recorded by Francisco and Wilson showing the look and
feel of our basic clients in iOS and Android.

The goals for the following two weeks (Sprint 2) are:

  • Research: Work on our first assumptions to be able to select a target audience and create our hypotheses. Probably, we will start focusing on Personal Beacons, people who are willing to
    broadcast their personal information, specially in events and conferences.

  • Development: Be able to have downloadable builds and polish the clients as some tasks/issues have been detected when they were developed during last sprint.

Team updates: Isabel Rios has joined to our team to help us with QA tasks, welcome!

Stay tuned!
Magnet team

Follow us in Magnet project

Hi all!
Another quick update from our team after finishing our Second Sprint.
We have recorded some demos so you can see some some of the added featured as Sched integration and some new visual functionalities as custom web views and the ability to get rid of the tiles or cards.

The goals for the following two weeks (Sprint 3) are:

  • Research: Doing interviews!! As we need to validate our hypothesis “We believe that broadcasting professional content for conference presenters will help presenters promote themselves more easily than current methods”. Interview guide is ready and are target audience are presenters (Mix of tech and non-tech conferences, Mix of males and females, Mix of ages)

  • Development: Stabilization of the app to avoid server to explode if it’s used by many people and also we need to prepare a test plan for Sched adaptor to be run it and fix any possible bug.

We already have our first contributors! thanks a lot! we need you to success!
Magnet team

Follow us in Magnet project

Hi all,
Yesterday, project Magnet had his first check in with the Board. Herein you have the slides and the video recording if you want to have a look at them.

After 6 weeks of work since we kicked off, we already have an iOS and an Android clients of Magnet app and the results of our first User Research.

Although the hypothesis we started out was not validated, other interesting questions raised from the User Study. Magnet team is planning to run some experiments during the London All Hands to have more data about those new hypotheses and get some good insights that let us choose a single direction to follow. We will need your help! They will be funny!

We will send more info soon! Stay tuned!
Project Magnet

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