Update: What Haiyya has been working on?

Hello Mozillians,

Hope everyone is doing great. I am writing this blog on behalf of the entire Haiyya team and leaders who have been working with Mozilla India and Global team for the past 2 months. We shared our respective work with Mozilla this quarter in two blogs previously- blog 1 and blog 2. It was quite an exciting work journey for our team. We are humbled to work with such diverse and passionate community members and staff. Keeping the value of transparency at the core of our work with Mozilla, we would like to share some updates on different pieces of work we are leading/co-leading with Community Development Team.

Sukhmani Grover has been working closely with the Mozilla India Community- where she is working with individuals leaders, groups and teams to actively support community projects and teams in a few geographies. Our focus area in last two months has been in Delhi, Lucknow, Pune, Mumbai and Bangalore across initiatives like community building, expanding community networks, supporting & working closely with over 10 Individual leaders and 3 teams. Our recent and ongoing engagement have been supporting activities around Firefox Nightly, and bringing back the focus on Right to Privacy by linking communities in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore with the Foundation’s Policy team and our upcoming engagement will be with the next phase of Rain of Rust campaign. Working closely with the Delhi community has been a wonderful experience as we learned more about Firefox Nightly, and tested how these communities operate for Mozilla and it was inspiring to see the efforts put by the team members. The next in line for them is to begin conversations and involve community on Right to Privacy conversations, both online and offline. After the latest Supreme Court judgement on Right to Privacy, it is imperative to engage citizens and communities to spread the knowledge about it. We congratulate everyone at Mozilla for this landmark judgment (closely linked to Aadhaar), especially the community leaders who were publicly vocal about the issue.
Note: The work by Ankit has been on his own and Haiyya hasn’t played any role in it. His article was published in March 2017

Natasha Chaudhary has been working closely with Christos on the Campus Clubs Program in order to build a community support plan for the program. Our role has also involved talking to the existing campus clubs to understand the program better and contribute through ideas and recommendations on different aspects such as the on-boarding process, registration process, website content, training needs and the mentorship model. The last few weeks have involved identifying gaps or challenges and putting together a system in place to support the existing campus clubs.

Mrinalini Dayal has been working on conducting research that will be used to help Mozilla build a strategy for Open Source Student Clubs in India. For the past two months we have focused on identifying and understanding Indian college students specifically looking their attitudes/knowledge of open source web, structures of successful technical and non technical student clubs and opinions of diverse students who are currently underrepresented. We have explored this by conducting 20 interviews with students from across India as well as talking to social entrepreneurs. All our findings will be shared through comprehensive insights document in September.

If there are ways you would like us to work with you- any interest campaign, project, event or training, please write to us at act@haiyya.in. You can also reach out to us on telegram using following handles
Sukhmani Grover @Sukhmani
Natasha Chaudhary @NChaudhary
Mrinalini Dayal @Mrinalinid
Aprajita Pandey @Aprajitap

On another note, Haiyya’s new website has been launched last week. This was work in progress for the past 4 months and we are happy to share it with you. Please check out our website and let us know if you have any feedback for us :slight_smile:

Founding Director

Nice to see the growth. But some concerns are shared below.

I would like to know why Haiyya forgot there is a community in Southern tip of India MozillaTN and hyderabad. If there is a feel not much contribution is done from this region I will be happy to share some required stats. Concentrating on specific cities wont help much. I personally know there is huge contribution from MozillaTN community for Firefox QA related to test days, beta days.

Happy to know 10 Individual leaders and 3 teams are working closely with you. First I would like to know what are the 3 teams that are focused now. For Fx57 i know the one of the highest priority should be Porting WebExtension.

Some contributors emailed me adding you in same thread. I was interested to help, even when I replied to you there was no reply from your team, thought you were busy on first time, Wondered were you really very busy to reply back.


Hi Viswaprasath! Thank you for your message and very valid queries. No where do we feel that the contribution made my any team or region is unequal to others. And I thank you for your leadership in bringing it up here. We started 3 months back and given started working with teams or individuals who were interested in working with Haiyya and who we managed to get in touch with. Given we were also learning from each other on what works best when we work with teams, we wanted to limit ourselves to fewer teams to test the collaboration. We aim to support each and every team and leader if and when they wish to collaborate with us. And teams in South India are as important to us as any other team in India. I deeply apologize that we didn’t get back to you. I will check with my team members and ensure we don’t miss out on any such communication. Please let us know how can we start supporting teams in south region and who should we start getting in touch with. Would like to chat with you to discuss some of the ideas you proposed above. Thank you

Hello @sukhmani and @aprajita you’ve mentioned that you’ll publish your insights by September, however we’re in the last week of October. Has there been any progress?

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Has there been any follow-up on this? @VP7 @aprajita

Is Haiyya still active? Haven’t heard them for long.
I would really love if anyone from Haiyya can tell us (Mozilla India) what exactly they did in past few months.

We had multiple campaigns in India

  • Quantum sprint
  • Rain Of Rust
  • Webextension activities

I didn’t find Haiyya involved in any (specifically Quantam sprint as it was supposed to be huge). So again my question, what exactly Haiyya is doing?

[Please ignore this if we already have moved away from transparent communication.]


Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your comments and questions. Apologies for responding in late here because we were still closing things for the past 2 months with community development team and planning our our next phase work and updates to be shared with you all. Most of our work until September 15th on-ground is part of the blog above.

A quick update on what we were upto in the past 2 months- our main work revolved around identifying existing gaps that Mozilla community development staff need to understand and fill by engaging with the community. In order to do this we have worked with a few individuals and selected teams and campaigns (mentioned above). We will be sharing our next share soon with you. All our reports and analysis has been shared with Lucy and team and we are preparing to share it with you shortly. As you might have noticed in our blog above other than working specifically with Mozilla India community, we were also supporting global campus club program process mainly helping the new program in the US to get launch and then understand what can be done in India on campus club program (which was the research piece). Our next blog post with all the document links will reach you next week. Thank you for your patience and showing interest in learning about our work with Mozilla overall.

PS: We have not moved away from transparent communication but we also want to be mindful about sharing things that are valuable for your time and serves your interest.

More to come next week!

Can you share the members with whom you have worked. And the teams you have consulated. Sharing the team and members involved will make lot of things better.

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Hi @aprajita Can I have a URL to this blog-post and your findings? Also, we would appreciate if you stick to your deadlines. It’s been 27 days, and no update yet.

Moreover, I’d like to know how studying campus program in India, would help the launch in US? Since both academic systems are widely different.

Thanks for being mindful of the community’s needs, but while sharing your findings - please do not hold back. We need to know the positives and the negatives, if we’re trying to fix the campus program.
