Transition from Preliminary to Full Review


I have a an addon which passed preliminary review. This addon is currently used by my users.
I would like to have it full reviewed.

I see that I can “Request Full Review” for the current version.
Is this safe?
Will during the review process my addon is still valid as preliminary reviewed?
If my addon will not pass the full review, will it still be available as preliminary reviewed?

Another option is to submit a new version and request it to be full reviewed. Is this a better option?

Thank you

Is your add-on listed or unlisted?

It is unlisted and I would like it to remain unlisted.
I need it to be fully reviewed in order to install it using registry keys.


You can request full review on the current version. It might get rejected if there are issues that prevent full review. However, if you already downloaded the file (after the prelim. review) you can distribute it as you wish as it contains a valid signature, just not for side-loading (yet).

Please mention in the notes to reviewers that you need side-loading.

  1. In case my addon gets rejected for full review and I need to release a new version of the addon (bug fixes, for example), will I be able to upload a new version for preliminary review afterwards? Or does submitting to full review forces me to stay only on the full review path?

  2. While the full review is pending, will I be able to upload new versions for preliminary review (bug fixes, for example)? This is important since the full review may take a few weeks.


Switching between full and preliminary does not make much sense. Either you need side-loading or you don’t. If you need side-loading, request it. If you don’t need it, don’t request it.


It’s not black and white in my case.
For most use cases my addon works OK without side-loading. But I still need side-loading for some use-cases.
So I prefer to have a valid addon without side-loading instead of no addon at all while it is being fully reviewed.


Just download your add-on after it has been preliminary reviewed and you can use that XPI file for non-sideloading while the full review is being done.