Top 3 Insights from UR #1

My first stab at this - these are ideas that bubbled up out of our first
round of user research:

** Public vs Private Spaces
The idea that we deliberately make a distinction between a space we are
prepared for visitors to see, when I’m in that space I am available to talk
and welcome visitors - and private spaces where I can retreat to and expect
others to respect. In physical space this is easy to delineate - by sitting
on the porch vs. moving to a different room, closing a door, putting on
headphones. But its less clear on the internet - all the context is gone.
If I move to the bedroom, my kids know to knock before entering, but my
wife shares this space and comes right in. Setting “Busy” on my messaging
client is a poor solution that lacks all this nuance. Sitting on my porch
means I’m available to my neighbours - not the whole world.

** Solidarity through Connections
There’s a recurrent theme of passive, background lines of communication
that allow people to share an experience when geographically distant. Same
quotes as Punam

** Ownership of Tasks, Blaming the Messenger
We see again and again that people resent being told to do things. Often
the teller is just reminding of a task that needs doing, but by being the
reminder they become the target of the irritation that accompanies being
required to do something you don’t particularly want to do; they get the
blame. We see this happening between kids and parents, adults and friends,


Thanks Sam for sharing. Here are my top 3 quotes and insights from first round of research

Joy and Connecting people

when I go in my sewing room we face time [with my sister] and we say
what you are working on, show me yours and we motivate each other."

have best friend from middle school who is not in same high school as
me, we are on mute and we don’t talk we stay up together [at night while
finishing homework], has her presence through online.”

Choices / Control/ habit/ freedom

just tell me once and trust that I’m going to do it.” [In response to
That I would want to change? Getting asked to do something over and over
when I know that I’m gonna do it.]

As a developer few insights that I will remember when I am at computer coding complex logic

  • Give me a linear Point A to Point B solution .
  • If a feature is too complicated to figure out, its made for engineers not for users
  • A product should be labor saving and money saving
  • A product should be honest to its one true function, it should work always effectively and reliably