Thunderbird Add-on so that you can add a new contact to a mailing list from the contact edit window


I am looking for an add-in so that I don’t have to save and find the contact so that I can add the contact to an existing “Mailing List”. In other words on the fly. The only way I can find to add a contact to a list is to drop and drag. Not an easy task if you want to add the contact to multiple list.

I have search the add-ins for Thunderbird and have found nothing. Not sure I am using the right keywords.

Can someone guide me please? Not sure which forum this belongs in so please pardon me if this isn’t the right one.

Thank you in advance,

George Worley

I’m also interested in this topic. I would even be more interested in a connector from Thunderbird to a CRM like CiviCRM.
I’ve just discovered a basis for such an addon has been developed :

