Thoughts on documenting AudioWorklet

Parts of AudioWorklet have arrived in 62. The problem is that as things currently stand, the audioWorklet attribute you use to access it hasn’t moved to where it belongs in the AudioContext interface yet, among other bits that haven’t landed or have so far only landed for 63, rather than 62.

Basically, both Firefox and Chrome implement random pieces of AudioWorklet, resulting in samples that don’t work across the two. Additionally, it’s disabled by default even in nightly right now.

I propose we back-burner all AudioWorklet docs until things are a little farther along. Maybe by Firefox 63 things will be ready to document properly. Any objections? Especially interested in any opinion from @chrisdavidmills.


Right, OK.

Yeah, this make sense. I am happy to shelve this for now. I’d appreciate it if you wrote up a slightly more detailed plan before you move on, explaining what needs to be done when the time comes, so we can get back into it quickly. A GDoc will do, covering something like:

  • What is it?
  • What needs to be done?
    • Reference pages to be written/updated
    • Guides to be written
    • Any other tasks to be done
  • Related bugs

Aye aye, Cap’n. :slight_smile:


Cheers man. Drop me the link when you’re done.