Theme based on category?


It might be nice for the Reps category, and its sub categories, to have their own theme/sub-theme. Things like changing the logo at the top, styles, etc.

In essence turning top level categories into their own perceived discourses, with the root page / being a perceived aggregator.

Might be a good way to get extra usage and provided a better experience for users coming in from other areas (i.e. visual consistency till hitting the root level where things should take a default theme (current) unless they have custom set.

Ooh, I like this idea. @Jan, do you think this is possible? I’m sure if needed we can do something like make a plugin to assign each category a unique class/id.

It should be reasonably easy to do w/ some JS to set an ID on the <body> tag based on current tag.

Then you can use CSS to override the styles based on that ID. Maybe have an additional JS script that notes when a custom style is applied, and remove the default.

We’d also have to discuss how to handle situations where posts are filed under multiple categories. I’m personally not a huge fan of the whole category-specific styling idea, though.