The State of Open Data and AI

This session is facilitated by Mor Rubinstein, Katie Clancy

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About this session

We’ll be building on the State of Open Data project ( and the chapters on Data Literacy, and Open Data & AI - and having an interactive discussion, either in a single group, or break-outs (numbers depending) to explore:

(1) Examples of open data being analysed through AI;

(2) Examples of ‘missing data’, where advocacy for open data could address imbalances in the current data environment used to train machine-learning models;

(3) Open data approaches as an alternative to AI: focussing on data for decentralised and human-centred problem solving.

We will have some prepared ‘primer’ material (slides / handouts) on both open data and AI we can draw upon, and prompt sheets for break-out groups.

Groups will respond to the prompts with post-it notes/sharpies.

Goals of this session

To build connections between open data and artificial intelligence communities, and build a deeper understanding of the open data interventions that can bring about a healthier AI environment.