The new Mozilla People Directory is coming

Hey Mozillians,

We’re excited to announce that the Identity and Access Management project that began in 2016 with the introduction of Auth0, is going to hit another major milestone this December, with the release of the Mozilla People Directory ( to contributors having an LDAP account. This new application will provide centralized profiles for staff and volunteers in one place, improving our ability to create better, more integrated workflows for volunteer contributors and staff.

It’s still a work in progress but we wanted to share some information with you now.

What is Mozilla’s People Directory (PMO)

Mozilla’s People Directory will be an integrated, updated replacement of the staff directory (Phonebook) and (Staff and Volunteer contributor phonebook) that brings everyone together into one system.

This directory will ultimately be leveraged by community sites like Discourse, Common Voice, and the NEW Community Portal to make it easier for everyone to participate across the project with the access they need to be successful.

What does this mean for

In Q1 2020 we will begin the process of migrating all relevant functionality from over to Mozillians has been on maintenance mode for a number of years has increasingly becoming a security liability because of its legacy code base and infrastructure. Mozillians will be deprecated sometimes in the first part of 2020.

What to expect from PMO:

  • Beautiful new look and layout that is mobile optimized
  • Improved general profile information
  • Searchable profiles for all contributors and staff members based on their visibility settings
  • Same access groups as in

Coming soon…

Stay tuned as more communication on this will come in the following weeks, with details and dates on when you’ll be able to enter the portal in mid-December (if you have an LDAP account) or in Q1 2020, when access will be open to all contributors.

Thank you,

Hermina, on behalf of the entire IAM team