The Mozilla Guarantee: Publishing Multi-Language Voice Data

Hello Common Voice community,

Several people have asked us through various channels when Common Voice data in non-English languages will be available for download.

The simple answer is that we will probably publish a few more datasets (along with an update to the English one) by the end of the year. In the future, we hope to build an automated and continual release process. But seeing as we are still a small team, that probably won’t happen until 2019 at the earliest.

More generally, I want to make a promise to you the community: If Mozilla ever cancels this project (don’t worry, we have no plans to), we promise to immediately release all the data we have collected. In other words, we will not allow any of the data we collect to go away, even if we change our priorities around Common Voice itself.

I hope that is helpful, and thank you for all of your great work.
Michael & Common Voice Team


Why wil Mozilla cancels this project? It’s the huge project we ever seen about speech synthesis and generation. This project will boost all Mozilla products. We expect in the future addons for firefox and thunderbird dealing with voice generation, voice synthesis, NLP, online traslation… thanks to this project. I’m thinking about another project dealing with language processings we can also start but wait and see for now.


great note! thank for your project. I will share this post to more people to them know