Hear ye, hear ye, all ye who pass by: The time for Phase 2 Testing of Translate.Next has come! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please read the dedicated topic.
Phase 2 Testing
Here’s another great news: this testing will happen on our production website, meaning that contributions you make while testing will be actual contributions, that others will see and that will end up in products.
This second phase will last until all remaining Translate.Next bugs are fixed. It will work differently from the previous one: because it happens on production, instead of asking you to test for a short period of time, we would like to encourage you to make Translate.Next your default translation interface. Phase 2 is expected to last approximately two months.
Preliminary steps
Before you can get to Translate.Next on Pontoon, you need to volunteer, and we need to give you access. Unlike last time, we will not nominate anyone (well, we actually have nominated Flod, Matjaz and Théo ) but instead inform many of our users that this is happening, and let you all decide if you want to help us with this or not.
Note that if you volunteer for this, we expect that you will use Translate.Next as your default translation interface, and will only occasionally revert to the current app. It might be a hinder to your work flow, but it will greatly help identify critical missing features, and ensure the robustness of this new version.
To become a Translate.Next tester, please contact me on IRC or by email, and tell me the email address you use to log in to Pontoon. Once you have been given access (I’ll let you know), go to Pontoon’s Translate page (for example, this page) and click the “Try Translate.Next” button in the top-right corner. That’s it, you’re using Translate.Next now!
Testing Plan
The testing plan this time around is very simple: just do everything you would normally do on Pontoon. Once you have turned Translate.Next on, every link to the translate app, throughout the app or outside, will take you to the new UI. The transition should be smooth… Until you hit one of the known bugs or missing features.
Known bugs
We are not yet finished working on Translate.Next, and you will keep seeing improvements in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we track what’s left to do in our Pontoon wiki page.
To give you a brief overview of what’s missing as of today:
- Fluent integration is still basic: there is no Rich UI for the Editor, meaning you’ll need to deal with Fluent syntax when translating Fluent strings.
- Batch actions are missing.
- Only the basic search filters are available, and they cannot be combined yet.
Reporting issues
Before reporting an issue, please verify that it is not yet tracked in the previously linked wiki page. If it isn’t, or you’re not sure, please add an answer to this thread, using the following template:
<ins>Expected outcome:</ins>
<ins>Steps to reproduce:</ins>
I am very excited we are finally able to use Translate.Next on production! I look forward to all the feedback you’ll give us.