Test Pilot Status: June 8, 2018

TL;DR: The Side View and Firefox Color experiments launched Tuesday, June 5, at 7am Pacific.

It’s been a busy week for the Test Pilot team, read on for updates:

Test Pilot

  • Updated add-on to display badge when new experiments are available.

  • Shipped two new experiments on Tuesday, June 5!

  • Posted tweets announcing the launches.

  • Published a blog post announcing the new experiments on the Test Pilot Medium site.

  • Started a Reddit thread announcing new experiments.

Cloud Storage

  • Shield Study: launch target May 14 21 29 6/4 6/18, fingers crossed.

  • Shield-Utils v5: one remaining issue holding up our launch.

  • Looks like it won’t launch until after the All Hands.


  • Launched Firefox Color as planned on June 5, 7am PDT.

  • Marketing published a video, blog, and email for launch.

  • Tons of good traffic and feedback, really positive launch.

Min Vid

  • Future plans: John Gruen will develop a proposal for implementing a PIP player in browser. No rush here; there are other more pressing priorities.


  • Pushed release 6/7/18.

  • Will be adding content for Onboarding, new graphic assets.

  • Marketing may be able to create final assets for Google Play store, TBD.

  • Discussing alpha release/early adopters/email.

  • Strings will be going through translation shortly.

  • Good of discussion with Julien about getting the app ready for the Google Play store.

  • Hoping to get a build into the Google Play store soon; this is a preliminary build only.

  • Release will be pushed out to July 10, so it doesn’t conflict with the release of Firefox 61.


  • iOS prototype is working with react-native and normal WebView. It allows choosing a file from iCloud Drive; putting on back-burner as iOS isn’t a priority. Might get help from Stefan’s team.

  • Looks like we might have a new regression on Nightly; Send hangs with larger files.

  • Emily has streams working (encoding of messages), next is uploading/downloading.

  • Danny is working on FxA tickets.

  • Usage statistics

  • ~50K MAU (uploaders/downloaders)

  • ~600MB per uploader, per month

  • Users are coming from Chrome 2x as much as from Firefox

Side View

  • Launched Side View as planned, on June 5, 7am PDT.

  • Marketing published a video, blog, and email for launch.